Marie Vegrichtová

* 1925

  • "They took him away without any argument. There were five or six of them. They took him to the village where there were about ten Ukrainian houses - but not all of them Bandera's people. They brought him to the courtyard, tied him up and began cutting his legs off with a saw, his ears, genitals - and all the while, laughed him as if he were Jesus. This is how it ended up. He bled to death soon but had suffered before."

  • "When the Russians showed up, so did Ukrainian nationalists. The Russians would come at daytime and Ukrainians at night. Bandera's forces were doing a lot of harm, murdering our people. Especially whenever someone stood up to them and said they wouldn't give them their property. This was not a wise thing to do, one could say goodbye to the world. We no longer even had a pig in the shed, neither cattle in the barn. All of it was taken by the Russians before they had left, and so we were left empty-handed."

  • "When the Germans came, we were very happy because the Russians intended to send us to Siberia. We were already on their list. They wanted to get rid of us so as to take our house and all possessions. Us girls had never quite believed it. We couldn't imagine it but our mum knew about it or overheard something. It was the time of the year when lilac is in blossom, and so she made a great bouquet and handed it over to the Germans. She was laughing and crying while at it. We thought that mummy had gone mad."

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Ostrava, 07.04.2018

    délka: 02:50:52
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Příběhy 20. století
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

Když přijeli němečtí okupanti, maminka je vítala šeříkem a radostí plakala. Mysleli jsme si, že se zbláznila

Marie Vegrichtová's profile picture, Krnov 1947
Marie Vegrichtová's profile picture, Krnov 1947
zdroj: Marie Vegrichtová's archive

Marie Vegrichtová, rozená Dolečková, se narodila 3. dubna 1925 v osadě Moldavy Májovka v rovenské oblasti na Volyni. Tehdy území patřilo Polsku. Po vypuknutí 2. světové války v roce 1939 bylo připojeno k Sovětskému svazu. Rodiče byli potomci českých osadníků a měli velké hospodářství. Sověti je označili za kulaky, zabrali jim půdu a sebrali dobytek. Rodině hrozilo odvedení na Sibiř. V letech 1941 až 1944 zažila nacistickou okupaci a teror ukrajinských banderovců, kteří v kraji kradli a vraždili. Nacisté rodinu paradoxně zachránili před gulagem, protože Rusové před německými vojáky ustoupili. Roku 1947 Dolečkovi přesídlili do Československa. Dostali dům po odsunutých Němcích v Krásných Loučkách u Krnova. Po svatbě s reemigrantem z Volyně žila a hospodařila v Rusíně na Osoblažsku. Tam manželé opět zažili kolektivizaci zemědělství. Byli nuceni vstoupit do JZD. Měla tři dcery a v 70. letech se s mužem přestěhovala do Krnova.