Jiří Jogl

* 1953

  • „This one time, when we were in Zhůří and the helicopter was monitoring the state border, it crashed. It included captain Štefan Tóth, operator Petr Horák and flight technician Míra Melíšek. It was with the Mi-24D, it had worse characteristics, opposite the neighbour from the other side brought the helicopter up to a hover, it was hovering towards our state border. It was around Poledník, a hill 1315 metres high, on its leeward sides it created airflow, the so-called hair dryer, which spinned and knocked everything down. The helicopter lacked power and had a relatively low altitude. It didn't have the power to take off, rev up and fly away. It didn't even have the height to run it. It was standing, hanging, the helicopter started to fall, the hair dryer knocked it down. They fell into the forest there."

  • „In the period of the fading Cold War, cases of especially helicopters or slow-flying aircrafts violating the state border began to multiply. It was not in fashion. There were cases when they flew several kilometres inland. Assets were held against these targets, but they were fighters with supersonic or subsonic L39s, MIG 21s and MIG 23s. Their take off took a long time and it was difficult for them to distinguish between helicopters or slow-flying aircraft, the low altitude in which they flew made it hard to tell the difference. Sometime in November 1984, therefore, the deputy defence minister and the board of generals decided that a border post would be established and Mi-24 helicopters would be used there."

  • „It was not uncommon to see as many as seven helicopters flying along the state border, mostly led by the Cobra type, zigzagging around the bollards, but they did not reach us. Because on the other side we were flying again and they were quite worried about the 24. The Mi-24 had relatively strong armament, we really had it suspended, there were unguided S-5 missiles, two sides were full of them and 1,470 rounds in the machine gun. Then the violation of the national border almost disappeared."

  • „I remember one tragic event that still haunts me. There were two of us from Pilsen in the pilot school, me and Láďa Babka. I don't remember the year it happened, 1982 or 1983. But I will tell you the day and hour it happened. It was May 17th at 5:15 p.m. It was a beautiful day, at that time we practised flying at ground level, at 15 metres, we were supposed to go up to 7.5 metres. My colleague Láďa Babka set out with the captain on one of those low navigational flights. They reached the valley of the Uterský potok and between Bezdružice and Konstantinovy Lázně they suddenly noticed that there were power lines above them. They accidentally pulled on them, wanting to fly over them. But they lost control and ended up in a stream. It turned out tragically for all four, there was the captain, operator Láďa Babka and two on-board technicians, one in training and one instructor."

  • Celé nahrávky
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    Plzeň, 09.02.2023

    délka: 03:37:11
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Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

“Ich würde zurückschießen, aber ich würde nicht als Erster das Feuer eröffnen. Ich würde hundert Ausreden finden, wie eine Ladehemmung im Maschinengewehr oder eine elektronische Störung des Waffensystems.

At the aviation day in Hradec Králové, Jiří Jogl and Pavel Špilka won the joint top prize (probably 1998)
At the aviation day in Hradec Králové, Jiří Jogl and Pavel Špilka won the joint top prize (probably 1998)
zdroj: archive of Jiří Jogl

Ab 1984 bewachten zwei Hubschrauber der 11. Hubschrauberstaffel die Grenze zu Deutschland bei Zhůří im Böhmerwald. Als Pilot diente auch JiříJogl dort. „In der Zeit des ausklingenden Kalten Krieges häuften sich die Fälle, in denen Hubschrauber oder langsam fliegende Flugzeuge begannen, die Staatsgrenze zu verletzen. Sie drangen mehrere Kilometer in das Gebiet ein“, erklärt er. Die Piloten aus Zhůri starteten mit ihren Mi-24D-Hubschraubern jedes Mal bei einer Bewegung auf der anderen Seite. Dadurch wurde die Verletzung der Staatsgrenze fast zum Stillstand gebracht. „Sie hatten Angst vor unseren Maschinen. Wenn dieser Hubschrauber gegen Sie anfliegt, sieht er bedrohlich aus. Er hatte eine ziemlich starke Bewaffnung, Blöcke voller S-5-Raketen und 1.470 Schüsse im Maschinengewehr“, beschrieb Jiri Jogl. Im September 1985 kam es in der Gegend von Polednik zu einem Unfall. „Damals waren drei Personen an Bord und sie gerieten auf die Leeseite des Hügels, wo sich die absteigenden Luftströme bilden. Aufgrund des Leistungsabfallsstürzten sie in den Wald“, erklärt er. Der Hubschrauber, der nach dem verunglückten Hubschrauber suchte, wäre fast auf die gleiche Weise abgestürzt. Der Unfall zog Änderungen nach sich: Der Hubschrauber Mi-24D wurde durch den Typ Mi-24V ersetzt und die Piloten mussten eine Mindestgeschwindigkeit von hundert Kilometern pro Stunde und eine Mindesthöhe von fünfzig Metern einhalten. 1986 zog die Staffel von Zhůří nach Kříženec bei Chodová Plané um. Text pochází z výstavy Paměť hranice (nejde o překlad životopisu) Der Text stammt aus der Ausstellung Das Gedächtnis der Grenze (es handelt sich nicht um Übersetzung der Biografie)