<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" version="2.0" xml:base="https://www.memoryofnations.sk/de"> <channel> <title>Znovusjednocení Německa</title> <link>https://www.memoryofnations.sk/de</link> <description><![CDATA[]]></description> <language>sk</language> <pubDate>Tue, 01 Aug 23 18:47:41 +0200</pubDate> <item> <title>Wallisch Hermann (1941)</title> <link>https://www.memoryofnations.sk/cs/wallisch-hermann-1941</link> <description> &lt;span&gt;Wallisch Hermann (1941)&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;Pamet naroda admin&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;time datetime="2023-08-01T18:47:41+02:00" title="Úterý, Srpen 1, 2023 - 18:47"&gt;Út, 08/01/2023 - 18:47&lt;/time&gt; &lt;/span&gt; Hermann Wallisch 1941 Jako dvacetiletý přišel coby příslušník německé armády (Bundeswehr) do Schönsee. &lt;br /&gt; Po mnoha kontaktech pohraničníky byl přemluven a vstoupil do řad německé pohraniční stráže&lt;br /&gt; (Bundesgrenzschutz – policejní útvar) a sloužil přímo na hranicích s&nbsp;tehdejším Československem.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; +++na kartu přidán německý text k výstavě Paměť hranice, nejde o překlad životopisu do němčiny, odsouhlasili Jiří Kunc a Jana Kubíková+++ (AP, 09/24) normální Kovboj z divoké strany československo-bavorské hranice, kterému uniforma neztěžkla &lt;p&gt;Hermann Walisch se narodil 14. března 1941 v bavorském vévodském městě Sulzbach-Rosenberg. Jeho první vzpomínky na dětství se vážou k závěru války, kdy město ostřelovali Američané. Nacházela se v něm totiž železárna Maxhütte, která byla důležitá pro německý válečný průmysl. Základní školu absolvoval ve svém rodišti. Později pokračoval studiem na gymnáziu ve Würzburgu, kde strávil čtyři roky. Byť se toužil stát inženýrem či architektem, školu kvůli rodinným finančním nesnázím nedokončil. Ve svých 15 letech se tedy vrátil domů a vyučil se stavebnímu řemeslu. Další kroky ho vedly do služby v německé armádě. V Mnichově podstoupil přijímací řízení, aby ve svých 19 letech 3. října 1960 zahájil u jednotky motostřeleckého praporu základním výcvikem v Ambergu vojenskou kariéru. Další vojenské vzdělání absolvoval v Oberviechtachu a Mittenwaldu. Během služby u armády se často setkával s kolegy z Pohraniční stráže, kteří ho lákali, aby rozšířil jejich řady. Pro přestup k bavorské pohraniční policii se odhodlal po 12 letech strávených u armády. Absolvoval odborné vzdělání u policie a v listopadu 1972 vstoupil v Schönsee do úřadu. Služba v příhraničí obnášela spoustu úskalí, mezi něž patřily incidenty různého typu, např. ilegální přechody občanů ze socialistických států nebo přebíhání pasoucího se dobytka. Ostrahu hranice lze vnímat jako méně bezpečnou činnost, přesto Hermann Wallisch zůstal pohraniční policii věrný až do 31. března 2001, kdy po dovršení 60 let odešel do důchodu. Do dnešních dnů (2023) si pamětník zachoval značnou aktivitu. Krom četných rodinných povinností dochází jako dobrovolník do Centra Bavaria Bohemia v Schönsee, kde se podílí na organizaci kulturních, společenských i osvětových aktivit.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;+ narozen 14. března 1941 v bavorském vévodském městě Sulzbach-Rosenberg&lt;br /&gt; + v Sulzbachu zažil ostřelování města Američany&lt;br /&gt; + studium na gymnáziu ve Würzburgu, které ale z finančních důvodů nedokončil&lt;br /&gt; + vyučil se stavebnímu řemeslu&lt;br /&gt; + v 19 letech 3. října 1960 vstup do německé armády k jednotce motostřeleckého praporu v Ambergu&lt;br /&gt; + od roku 1961 získával další vojenské vzdělání v Oberviechtachu a Mittenwaldu&lt;br /&gt; + v listopadu 1972 se v Schönsee stal bavorským pohraničním policistou&lt;br /&gt; + 31. března 2001 odchod do důchodu&lt;br /&gt; + v době natáčení v roce 2023 působil jako dobrovolník v kulturním Centru Bavaria Bohemia v Schönsee&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/plny-suhlas" hreflang="sk"&gt;Plný súhlas&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/user/22789" hreflang="cs"&gt;Jana Kubíková&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p class="address" translate="no"&gt;&lt;span class="address-line1"&gt;Klöppelschustraße 7&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;span class="postal-code"&gt;92539&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span class="locality"&gt;Schönsee&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;span class="administrative-area"&gt;Německo&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;span class="country"&gt;Nemecko&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/en/germany" hreflang="en"&gt;Germany&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/pohranicni-straz" hreflang="cs"&gt;Pohraniční stráž&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/zivot-podel-zelezne-opony" hreflang="cs"&gt;Život podél železné opony&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/30-5-1945-29-10-1946-odsun-nemcov-z-csr" hreflang="sk"&gt;30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Odsun Nemcov z ČSR&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/1989-pad-zeleznej-opony" hreflang="sk"&gt;1989 - Pád železnej opony&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/znovusjednoceni-nemecka" hreflang="cs"&gt;Znovusjednocení Německa&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="tel:00499674426"&gt;0049 9674 426&lt;/a&gt; wallisch-h@t-online.de Plný souhlas </description> <pubDate>Tue, 01 Aug 2023 16:47:41 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator>Pamet naroda admin</dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">79383 at https://www.memoryofnations.sk</guid> </item> <item> <title>Rindt Markus (1967)</title> <link>https://www.memoryofnations.sk/de/rindt-markus-1967</link> <description> &lt;span&gt;Rindt Markus (1967)&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;alzbeta.polakova07&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;time datetime="2019-08-28T13:26:43+02:00" title="Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - 13:26"&gt;Wed, 08/28/2019 - 13:26&lt;/time&gt; &lt;/span&gt; Markus Rindt 1967 Uprchlík z NDR přes Prahu 1989, Signál, velvyslanectví SRN Alle, die aus der DDR flüchteten, trugen zu der Wende bei &lt;p&gt;Markus Rindt wurde am 16. November 1967 in Magdeburg, in der damaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik in eine klassische Musikerfamilie geboren – die Mutter Brigitte Ebel war Sängerin und der Vater Heinz Rindt war Geigenspieler. Der Vater kam aus dem tschechischen Obererzgebirge, als zweijähriges Kind wurde dieser mit seiner Familie in die damalige sowjetische Besatzungszone Deutschlands vertrieben. Seine Großeltern wurden nach der Vertreibung in das Gebiet an der deutsch-deutschen Grenze angesiedelt, Markus durfte sie nur mit einer speziellen, lange im Voraus beantragten Erlaubnis besuchen.&lt;br /&gt; Von dieser Zeit an hatte Markus die fixe Idee davon, den Eisernen Vorhang überwinden und die Grenze überqueren zu wollen. Auch die Tatsache, dass seine damalige Freundin nicht studieren durfte und die Angebote einer Zusammenarbeit mit der Stasi ablehnte, trug dazu maßgeblich bei, dass Markus emigrieren wollte. Am 3. Oktober 1989 überquerten sie schließlich zusammen die Grenze der ČSSR und DDR und gelangten so bis zur westdeutschen Botschaft in Prag, sie gehörten damit zu den letzten Geflüchteten kurz vor der Schließung der Grenze. Die Nacht verbrachten sie auf dem Marktplatz und am 4. Oktober wurde ihnen und tausenden anderen Geflüchteten die Ausreise in den Westen ermöglicht. Dort setzte er sein Studium fort und spielte im Orchester in Köln. Zusammen mit seiner westdeutschen Frau zog er im Jahr 1996 in das ostdeutsche Brandenburg und gründete das Orchester Dresdner Sinfoniker, welches er bis heute leitet.&lt;br /&gt; Er engagiert sich auch für politische Projekte, insbesondere gegen mentale und physische Grenzen und Mauern - zum Beispiel unterstützt er das Happening Tear Down the Wall an der amerikanisch-mexikanischen Grenze.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;+ narozen 1967 v Magdeburku, NDR&lt;br /&gt; + prarodiče pováleční vyhnanci z Podkrkonoší, žili v blízkosti Železné opony&lt;br /&gt; + v září 1989 dokončil studium hry na lesní roh v Drážďanech&lt;br /&gt; + 3. – 4. října 1989 uprchl na velvyslanectví NSR v Praze, byl mu umožněn výjezd do západního Německa&lt;br /&gt; + pokračoval ve studiu a působil v orchestru v Kolíně nad Rýnem, kde se oženil&lt;br /&gt; + 1996 vrátil se na východ Německa, založil orchestr Dresdner Sinfoniker&lt;br /&gt; + řídí orchestr, angažuje se i v projektech s politickým obsahem, zejména proti mentálním i fyzickým hranicím a oponám, například projet Tear Down the Wall na americko-mexické hranici&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/plny-suhlas" hreflang="sk"&gt;Plný súhlas&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/user/15310" hreflang="cs"&gt;Jan Blažek&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p class="address" translate="no"&gt;&lt;span class="address-line1"&gt;Altstädtische Gr. Heidestr. 1&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;span class="postal-code"&gt;14770&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span class="locality"&gt;Brandenburg&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;span class="administrative-area"&gt;Německo&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;span class="country"&gt;Nemecko&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/en/germany" hreflang="en"&gt;Germany&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/svedci-lokalnich-udalosti-z-ery-komunismu" hreflang="cs"&gt;Svědci lokálních událostí z éry komunismu&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/uprchlik-z-nemecke-demokraticke-republiky" hreflang="cs"&gt;Uprchlík z Německé demokratické republiky&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/vyznamna-kulturna-osobnost" hreflang="sk"&gt;Významná kultúrna osobnosť&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/zivot-podel-zelezne-opony" hreflang="cs"&gt;Život podél železné opony&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/1989-pad-zeleznej-opony" hreflang="sk"&gt;1989 - Pád železnej opony&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/17-11-29-12-1989-nezna-revolucia-v-ceskoslovensku" hreflang="sk"&gt;17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - Nežná revolúcia v Československu&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/znovusjednoceni-nemecka" hreflang="cs"&gt;Znovusjednocení Německa&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="tel:%2B491723455687"&gt;+491723455687&lt;/a&gt; rindt@dresdner-sinfoniker.de Plný souhlas </description> <pubDate>Wed, 28 Aug 2019 11:26:43 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator>alzbeta.polakova07</dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">43339 at https://www.memoryofnations.sk</guid> </item> <item> <title>Bürger Peter Christian (1956)</title> <link>https://www.memoryofnations.sk/de/buerger-peter-christian-1956</link> <description> &lt;span&gt;Bürger Peter Christian (1956)&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;alzbeta.polakova07&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;time datetime="2019-08-28T14:40:20+02:00" title="Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - 14:40"&gt;Wed, 08/28/2019 - 14:40&lt;/time&gt; &lt;/span&gt; Peter Christian Bürger 1956 Uprchlík z NDR přes Prahu, Signál, velvyslanectví SRN 1989 normální Die DDR war ein einzig großes Gefängnis, der Eiserne Vorhang fiel in Prag &lt;p&gt;Christian Bürger wurde am 31. März 1956 in Chemnitz (damals Karl-Marx-Stadt) in der Deutschen Demokarischen Republik geboren. Die Mutter war eine Nachkriegsvertriebene aus Schlesien, die auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands ausgesetzt wurde. Christian trat nicht den Jugendorganisationen und auch nicht der Kommunistischen Partei bei und durfte deshalb nicht studieren. Er war in den oppositionellen christlichen Gruppen aktiv. Im Jahr 1984 beantragte er die offizielle Ausreise aus der DDR, die aber ohne Erklärung abgelehnt wurde. Durch die Beantragung der Ausreise wurde er in der DDR zum „Staatsfeind“ und musste sich regelmäßig zweimal wöchentlich bei den Behörden melden, wo er verhört wurde. Zusammen mit zwei guten Freunden wollte er das Land illegal über die Tschechoslowakei verlassen. Im Februar 1986 wurde er aber festgenommen und verbrachte ein halbes Jahr im Gefängnis in einer Einzelzelle. Es verriet ihn einer seiner Freunde, mit denen er die Flucht geplant hatte. Er wurde zu drei Jahren Haft in Cottbus verurteilt. Nach einundhalb Jahren wurde er aufgrund einer Amnestie, die sich die BRD für den Tausch eines Kredits ausbedingte, freigelassen, war aber für weitere drei Jahre unter gerichtlicher Überwachung und besaß keinen Personalausweis.&lt;br /&gt; Wieder musste er sich zu Verhören melden, er war unter der Bewachung der Stasi und musste untergeordnete Arbeit verrichten. Im Frühling 1989 hörte er in einer Nachrichtensendung eine negative Bemerkung über die ersten DDR-Flüchtlinge an der Prager Botschaft und ließ sich inspirieren. Die Grenze der ČSSR musste er in einer Juninacht illegal überqueren, er hatte keine Dokumente dabei. Das Gebäude der Botschaft in Prag fand er nur dank westdeutscher Touristen, denn auf der Karte war sie nicht aufgezeichnet. Er gehörte zu den ersten ca. vierzig ankommenden Flüchtlingen an der Botschaft, er beteiligte sich an der Organisation und dem Aufbau eine Zeltlagers und wurde zu einem gewissen Sprecher der Geflüchteten. Am 30. September stand er beim Besuch des damaligen Außenministers der BRD Hans-Dietrich Genscher in Prag, hinter ihm auf dem Balkon, als er verkündet hatte, dass die Geflüchteten in die BRD ausreisen dürfen. Die DDR erlaubte die Ausreise nach internationalem Druck, aber nicht direkt über die ČSSR, sondern über das DDR-Gebiet. Die Flüchtlinge wurden von der Botschaft aus zum Bahnhof Prag Libeň von ausgesendeten Bussen aus der DDR gebracht, sie wurden dann von ostdeutschen Zügen über leere Bahnhöfe bis nach Hof in der BRD gebracht, wo sie von jubelnden Menschenmengen begrüßt wurden.&lt;br /&gt; Nach ein paar Tagen erhielt Bürger eine Arbeitsstelle in einer Gaststätte und stieg bald in eine Führungsposition auf, er bildete sich weiter und reiste und arbeitete im Ausland – die Flucht und der anschließende Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs eröffneten ihm neue Möglichkeiten.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;+ narozen 31. března 1956 v Karl-Marx-Stadtu (dnes Chemnitz), NDR&lt;br /&gt; + matka poválečná vyhnankyně z polského Slezska&lt;br /&gt; + v roce 1984 podal žádost o vycestování do NSR, která byla zamítnuta&lt;br /&gt; + v roce 1986 zatčen a odsouzen na tři roky za plánování nelegálního přechodu hranice mezi ČSSR a SRN&lt;br /&gt; + koncem roku 1987 propuštěn na amnestii výměnou za půjčku od SRN, neměl ale občanská práva&lt;br /&gt; + v noci mezi 20. a 21. červnem 1989 nelegálně přešel hranici NDR a ČSSR, požádal o azyl na velvyslanectví SRN v Praze&lt;br /&gt; + 30. září 1989 přítomen projevu ministra zahraničí SRN Genschera, ve kterém oznámil, že uprchlíci budou smět vycestovat do SRN&lt;br /&gt; + 1. října byl jedním z prvních vycestovavších do SRN&lt;br /&gt; + v západním Německu si doplnil vzdělání, cestoval. Po letech se vrátil do Chemnitzu, věnuje se lidskoprávní a rozvojové tematice&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/plny-suhlas" hreflang="sk"&gt;Plný súhlas&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/user/15310" hreflang="cs"&gt;Jan Blažek&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p class="address" translate="no"&gt;&lt;span class="address-line1"&gt;Irkutsker Str. 105&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;span class="postal-code"&gt;09119&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span class="locality"&gt;Chemnitz&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;span class="country"&gt;Nemecko&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/en/germany" hreflang="en"&gt;Germany&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/ilegalni-prechod-hranice" hreflang="cs"&gt;Ilegální přechod hranice&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/nezdareny-pokus-o-ilegalni-prechod-hranice" hreflang="cs"&gt;Nezdařený pokus o ilegální přechod hranice &lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/politicky-vezen-v-nemecke-demokraticke-republice" hreflang="cs"&gt;Politický vězeň v Německé demokratické republice&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/svedci-lokalnich-udalosti-z-ery-komunismu" hreflang="cs"&gt;Svědci lokálních událostí z éry komunismu&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/uprchlik-z-nemecke-demokraticke-republiky" hreflang="cs"&gt;Uprchlík z Německé demokratické republiky&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/vykup-osob-veznenych-v-nemecke-demokraticke-republice-spolkovou-republikou-nemecko" hreflang="cs"&gt;Výkup osob vězněných v Německé demokratické republice Spolkovou republikou Německo&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/1989-pad-zeleznej-opony" hreflang="sk"&gt;1989 - Pád železnej opony&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/17-11-29-12-1989-nezna-revolucia-v-ceskoslovensku" hreflang="sk"&gt;17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - Nežná revolúcia v Československu&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/znovusjednoceni-nemecka" hreflang="cs"&gt;Znovusjednocení Německa&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="tel:004917638718930"&gt;004917638718930&lt;/a&gt; pbuer53@gmail.com Plný souhlas </description> <pubDate>Wed, 28 Aug 2019 12:40:20 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator>alzbeta.polakova07</dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">43342 at https://www.memoryofnations.sk</guid> </item> <item> <title>Eppelmann Rainer (1943)</title> <link>https://www.memoryofnations.sk/en/eppelmann-rainer-1943</link> <description> &lt;span&gt;Eppelmann Rainer (1943)&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;Pamet naroda admin&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;time datetime="2014-07-08T19:00:06+02:00" title="Tuesday, July 8, 2014 - 19:00"&gt;Tue, 07/08/2014 - 19:00&lt;/time&gt; &lt;/span&gt; Rainer Eppelmann 1943 normální We need to stop whispering and say things out loud. &lt;p&gt;Rainer Eppelmann was born in 1943 in Berlin-Pankow. His father was a carpenter, his mother a dressmaker. Eppelmanns parents were critical towards the GDR regime and raised their children in the Christian faith. Eppelmann was neither a member of the pioneers, nor of the FDJ. He did not receive the national youth initiation, but received a Protestant confirmation. After he had completed secondary school, he was denied to attend higher education in spite of his excellent grades. This was in part due to the fact that he was not a member of the Communist youth organizations. In addition, his father was considered to be a so-called &amp;quot;Grenzgewinnler&amp;quot; (somebody profiting from living at the border) because he lived in the GDR, but worked in West Berlin. Eppelmann and his sister were able to attend the Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium in Neukölln, one of the two schools which had been established in West Berlin for students from East Berlin. The construction of the Berlin Wall on 13 August, 1961, marked the end of his schooling. At that point, Eppelmann attended the 11th grade and as a result he could not take his school-leaving exam. Thus, his dream of studying architecture was shattered. After the construction of the wall, his father remained in the West. After some time, Rainer&amp;#039;s mother and the two younger siblings were allowed to move to the father in the context of family reunification. Eppelmann himself stayed in East Berlin and worked as an assistant roofer. After a year, he was offered an apprenticeship as a mason and plasterer, which he accepted and completed in the years 1962 to 1965. After his apprenticeship, he applied for the School of Civil Engineering. Soon after the beginning of his studies, however, he realized that he no longer could bear the system, fell repeatedly sick and eventually broke off his studies.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;After abandoning his studies, Eppelmann again worked as a mason. In 1966, he was drafted into the army as a &amp;quot;Bausoldat&amp;quot; (construction-work soldier), after he had refused military service for religious reasons. In the course of his service, Eppelmann was sentenced to eight months of prison for multiple acts of insubordination. Eppelmann publicly disclosed his oppositional stance for the first time with the signing of a statement of solidarity at the Czechoslovak embassy after the suppression of the Prague Spring.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;After his time as Bausoldat, Eppelmann in 1969 decided to study theology at the Paulinum College .After completing his studies in 1975, he was first an assistant pastor, then parish priest in the East Berlin Samaritan community and district youth pastor for the church district Berlin-Friedrichshain. Together with the blues musician Günter Holly Holwas, Eppelmann since 1979 organized the so-called Blues Masses, combining religious services with concerts and criticism of the communist regime. These events soon attracted hundreds of young people who had up to that point not come in touch with the church. In this way, the events became a platform for dissenters. The Blues Masses would eventually attract as many as 8,000 - 9,000 young people from all over the GDR, which did not escape the attention of the state security. The state security exerted considerable pressure on Eppelmann and the church authorities. Nevertheless, the Blues Masses continued to be held until 1986.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;In 1982, together with the communist dissident, Robert Havemann, Eppelmann drafted the Berlin Appeal &amp;quot;Making Peace without Weapons&amp;quot;, which called for disarmament in East and West. Eppelmann was arrested but after only three days released again as a result of the efforts of the Church and public pressure from the Federal Republic.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Eppelmann&amp;#039;s Samaritan community had become a center of the peace movement since the late seventies. After a first attempt in the elections to the People&amp;#039;s Chamber of 1986, Eppelmann&amp;#039;s Samaritan community initiated a review of the municipal elections of 1989 that revealed election fraud in several districts of Berlin. In the autumn of 1989, Eppelmann became the founder and later chairman of the opposition grouping &amp;quot;Democratic Awakening&amp;quot;, which was approved as a political party in December 1989. Eppelmann experienced the fall of the Wall directly at the border crossing Bornholmer Straße, which became the first border crossing to be opened peacefully in Berlin on the evening of 9 November, 1989.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Eppelmann became a member of the Round Table and Minister without portfolio in the cabinet of Hans Modrow that was in office between November 1989 and March 1990. He eventually became Minister for Disarmament and Defense in the cabinet of Lothar de Maizière. From 1990 to 2005, Eppelmann represented the CDU in the Bundestag. Since the founding of the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED dictatorship in 1998, he has been the honorary chairman of the foundation&amp;#039;s board.&lt;br /&gt; &nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;+ 1943, born in Berlin-Pankow&lt;br /&gt; + Father was a carpenter and his mother was a dressmaker&lt;br /&gt; + Not a member of Communist youth organizations&lt;br /&gt; + Attended the Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium in West Berlin&lt;br /&gt; + 1961 construction of the wall and was forced to leave school&lt;br /&gt; + Worked as an assistant roofer&lt;br /&gt; + 1962-65 trained as a bricklayer&lt;br /&gt; + 1965 abandoned his studies at the School of Civic Engineering after a short time&lt;br /&gt; + 1966 refusal of military service, assignment as a Bausoldat, sentenced to eight months in prison for insubordination&lt;br /&gt; + 1969-74 studied theology at the Paulinum College for Priests in Berlin&lt;br /&gt; + 1974 assistant preacher, later parish priest in the Samaritan parish&lt;br /&gt; + 1979 organization of Blues Masses with the musician Günter Holly Holwas&lt;br /&gt; + 1982 formulation of the Berlin appeal for the disarmament in East and West together with Robert Havemann&lt;br /&gt; + May 1989 lodging of a complaint against persons unknown due to election fraud in local elections&lt;br /&gt; + October 1989 founder and later chairman of the opposition organization “Demokratischer Aufbruch”&lt;br /&gt; + December 1989 - March 1990 member of the roundtable&lt;br /&gt; + November 1989 - March 1990 minister without portfolio in the Modrow government&lt;br /&gt; + March to October 1990 Minister for Disarmament and Defense in the cabinet of Lothar de Maizière&lt;br /&gt; + 1990 to 2005 member of the German Bundestag&lt;br /&gt; + Since 1998 honorary chairman of the Federal Foundation for the Reconciliation of the SED Dictatorship&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/plny-suhlas" hreflang="sk"&gt;Plný súhlas&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/en/user/13942" hreflang="en"&gt;dorothee.ahlers&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p class="address" translate="no"&gt;&lt;span class="country"&gt;Nemecko&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/disident" hreflang="sk"&gt;Disident&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/nekatolicky-duchovny" hreflang="sk"&gt;Nekatolícky duchovný&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/politik" hreflang="cs"&gt;Politik&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/5-1-21-8-1968-prazska-jar" hreflang="sk"&gt;5. 1. - 21. 8. 1968 - Pražská jar&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/21-8-1968-invazia-vojsk-varsavskej-zmluvy" hreflang="sk"&gt;21. 8. 1968 - Invázia vojsk Varšavskej zmluvy&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/pad-berlinske-zdi" hreflang="cs"&gt;Pád Berlínské zdi&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/povstani-v-nemecke-demokraticke-republice" hreflang="cs"&gt;povstání v Německé demokratické republice&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/stavba-berlinske-zdi" hreflang="cs"&gt;Stavba Berlínské zdi&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/znovusjednoceni-nemecka" hreflang="cs"&gt;Znovusjednocení Německa&lt;/a&gt; noch nicht Plný souhlas </description> <pubDate>Tue, 08 Jul 2014 17:00:06 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator>Pamet naroda admin</dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">4156 at https://www.memoryofnations.sk</guid> </item> <item> <title>Poppe Gerd (1941)</title> <link>https://www.memoryofnations.sk/en/poppe-gerd-1941</link> <description> &lt;span&gt;Poppe Gerd (1941)&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;Pamet naroda admin&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;time datetime="2014-07-07T12:39:47+02:00" title="Monday, July 7, 2014 - 12:39"&gt;Mon, 07/07/2014 - 12:39&lt;/time&gt; &lt;/span&gt; Gerd Poppe 1941 normální I acted deliberately and knew what could happen. &lt;p&gt;Gerd Poppe was a pioneer and an important representative of the opposition in the GDR. He was born in 1941 in Rostock. His childhood was marked by the aftermath of the war in a bomb-destroyed city. In 1947, he started attending school and throughout his school years he would feel a deep aversion to the constant presence of Soviet heroic stories and Stalin images. After graduation, he served a one-year apprenticeship as an assistant fitter in the Warnow shipyard in Warnemünde. Thereafter, he studied - respecting the wish of his father - physics in Rostock; in 1964, he finished his studies. From 1965 to 1976, he worked as a physicist in the Stahnsdorf semiconductor factory. Poppe sees the construction of the Wall in 1961 as the beginning of his dissent towards the system. Although his political interest grew stronger throughout the years, he still believed in the possibility of an evolution of the communist system and was looked heavily to East Central Europe, where he saw a greater measure of freedom. After the suppression of the Prague Spring in 1968, he signed the letter of solidarity in the Czechoslovak embassy. In 1970, Poppe moved from Stahnsdorf to Berlin, where he made many new acquaintances who shared his critical attitude towards the system. Through his friends he met Robert Havemann and Wolf Biermann. Poppe would refuse military service and had to serve six months as a so-called &amp;quot;construction soldier&amp;quot; (Bausoldat) in 1975. The expatriation of Wolf Biermann in 1976 was a turning point for Poppe: He addressed a protest note to Honecker, whereupon the Academy of Sciences withdrew its support for his employment. Henceforth, he was in fact banned from working and worked until 1985 as a mechanic in a Berlin swimming pool. After Biermann&amp;#039;s expatriation, Poppe also lost a large part of his circle of friends, as many emigrated to the West. In addition, many of his Trotskyist friends were arrested at this time and as a consequence, Poppe&amp;#039;s apartment was searched by the police.&lt;br /&gt; However, in this period, Poppe got to know a number of new people: the reading of Rudolf Bahro&amp;#039;s &amp;quot;The Alternative&amp;quot; in 1977 served as an inspiration for him. In 1979, Poppe tried in vain to persuade Bahro to withdraw his consent with his expatriation after release from prison. During this time, Poppe&amp;#039;s relationship with Havemann also intensified. After the lifting of his house arrest in 1979, Poppe would often visit him.&lt;br /&gt; The second half of the seventies were characterized by numerous political discussions in small groups held by Poppe; however, they were always held in the same sort of circles and thus had no effect on the public. At this time, he was still positioned left on the political spectrum, but by the end of the seventies, he had lost the hope for democratic reforms. Poppe would also keenly follow the situation in and make frequent trips to the Central and East-European neighboring countries, especially to Czechoslovakia and its Charter 77 movement. The activities in East and Central Europe served as an inspiration for him that was to be put into practice in the GDR as well in order to create a counter-public.&lt;br /&gt; The peace movement of the late seventies, which was unfolding predominantly in the ecclesiastical context, was extremely important for the beginnings of the opposition movement. Poppe too had numerous contacts with the international peace movement, but he never acted out of Christian motifs. Starting in 1980, Poppe would regularly organize literary seminars in his apartment. These were surveyed by the Stasi under the heading of &amp;quot;unapproved happenings&amp;quot;. Poppe was subsequently charged with administrative fines. In 1980, Poppe and some others founded an independent school for children, which existed until 1983, when it was destroyed by the Stasi.&lt;br /&gt; Already in 1980, Poppe could no longer travel; he had been blacklisted and would be always turned around at the border crossing. The more important became the meetings with international activists in East Berlin: In 1983, the contacts with the international peace movement became more intense; during the second END-Convention in West Berlin, their representatives paid a visit to the opposition in East Berlin. This first meeting was held in Poppe&amp;#039;s apartment, which developed in the following period into a major hub for international activists. In the same year, the contacts with the West German Greens were established - Poppe stayed in close touch in particular with Petra Kelly. The West German politicians were able to smuggle books, journals, letters, but also technical devices into the GDR, using their diplomatic passports. This support was important for the publication of illegal samizdat magazines in which Poppe was involved.&lt;br /&gt; In 1983, Poppe&amp;#039;s wife Ulrike was arrested along with Bärbel Bohley for &amp;quot;treasonable news transfer&amp;quot;. This triggered massive protests of the international peace movement that resulted in the release of the detainees after six weeks of pre-trial detention. Such a reaction of the totalitarian regime was a new phenomenon of the eighties: arrestees who had attained a certain level of international recognition were released after their arrest since protests were expected. Poppe himself, for instance, would always be arrested only for one day, to stop him from attending events (for example in 1979, the trial with Havemann).&lt;br /&gt; In 1985, together with Bärbel Bohley and Wolfgang Templin, Poppe founded the opposition group &amp;quot;Initiative for Peace and Human Rights (IFM)&amp;quot;. The starting point for the foundation of the group was a planned seminar on human rights, which was cancelled due to pressure on the parish in which the seminar was to be held. The IFM was based heavily on the content of the Charter 77 and on its peace concept of the balance between the inner and outer peace. The samizdat publications were very important in this context as they enabled a GDR-wide distribution and thus the linking of the various groups. The result was a network that also enabled the spreading of information about events in other countries or joint solidarity statements.&lt;br /&gt; Since the early eighties, Poppe was increasingly being surveyed by the secret security police. Since 1980 onwards, he was banned from traveling. Records show that in 1983, his arrest was being considered and since the mid-eighties, the Stasi tried to pressure and destabilize his family with the aim of forcing them to leave the country, however, it did not succeed in its plan. Since 1985, Poppe was able to work as an engineer in the construction office of the Diaconia.&lt;br /&gt; During the Revolution of 1989, he represented the IFM at the round table, being a member of the &amp;quot;New Constitution of the GDR&amp;quot; working party. In the Modrow government, in office between February and March 1990, Poppe was minister without portfolio. In the March 1990 elections, he ran for the Alliance 90 (Bündnis 90), which he then represented until October as a member of the freely elected People&amp;#039;s Chamber. In 1992, Poppe could see his file at the State Security. Throughout the years, he had been spied on by about 40 people. The IFM had been infiltrated as well, with up to six active informers at times.&lt;br /&gt; From 1990 to 1998, Poppe was Member of Parliament for the Alliance &amp;#039;90 /The Greens. After the 1998 elections, he became the first special representative of the federal government in the foreign-affairs ministry for human rights. He was thus able to take up his original commitment to the cause of human rights and foreign policy. Since 1998, he has furthermore been a member of the board of the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED dictatorship.&lt;br /&gt; &nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;+ 1941 - born in Rostock&lt;br /&gt; + 1958 - completed a one-year apprenticeship in the Warnow shipyard in Warnemünde&lt;br /&gt; + 1959-64 - studied physics in Rostock&lt;br /&gt; + 1965 - worked as a physicist in the Stahnsdorf semiconductor factory&lt;br /&gt; + Since 1968 oppositional engagement, protest against the suppression of the Prague Spring, acquaintance with Robert Havemann, Wolf Biermann&lt;br /&gt; + 1970 - moved to Berlin&lt;br /&gt; + 1975 - served as Bausoldat&lt;br /&gt; + 1976 - his protest against the expatriation of Biermann resulted in the withdrawal of support for his work commitment by the Academy of Sciences&lt;br /&gt; + 1977-84 - worked as a mechanic in a Berlin public swimming pool&lt;br /&gt; + Since the late seventies, maintained increasingly contact with Havemann, numerous discussions in small opposition groups, many trips to eastern and central European countries, inspiration mainly by the dissident movement in Czechoslovakia, the Charter 77&lt;br /&gt; + Since 1980, regular literary seminars, establishment of an independent children&amp;#039;s school, greater monitoring by the State Security, travel ban&lt;br /&gt; + 1983 arrest of Mrs. Ulrike Poppe for &amp;quot;treasonable communication of information&amp;quot;, was released after six weeks due to international protests&lt;br /&gt; + Since 1983, close contacts with the international peace movement and the West-German Greens around Petra Kelly, Poppe&amp;#039;s apartment served as a meeting place&lt;br /&gt; + Since 1986, publishing of illegal samizdat publications&lt;br /&gt; + 1985-89 - worked as an engineer in the construction-site office of the Diaconia&lt;br /&gt; + 1985 - founded the opposition group &amp;quot;Initiative for Peace and Human Rights&amp;quot; (IFM)&lt;br /&gt; + 1989 - was a representative of the IFM at the Round Table&lt;br /&gt; + February/March 1990 - was minister without portfolio in the Modrow government&lt;br /&gt; + March to October 1990 - a member of the freely elected People&amp;#039;s Chamber for the Alliance 90&lt;br /&gt; + 1992 - was allowed to study his Stasi files&lt;br /&gt; + 1990-1998 - Member of Parliament for Alliance &amp;#039;90/The Greens&lt;br /&gt; + 1998 - 2003 - special human rights representative of the Federal Government in the Foreign Office&lt;br /&gt; + Since 1998 - member of the Board of the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/plny-suhlas" hreflang="sk"&gt;Plný súhlas&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/en/user/13942" hreflang="en"&gt;dorothee.ahlers&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p class="address" translate="no"&gt;&lt;span class="country"&gt;Nemecko&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/disident" hreflang="sk"&gt;Disident&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/politik" hreflang="cs"&gt;Politik&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/en/germany" hreflang="en"&gt;Germany&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/5-1-21-8-1968-prazska-jar" hreflang="sk"&gt;5. 1. - 21. 8. 1968 - Pražská jar&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/21-8-1968-invazia-vojsk-varsavskej-zmluvy" hreflang="sk"&gt;21. 8. 1968 - Invázia vojsk Varšavskej zmluvy&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/1-1-1977-prehlasenie-charty-77" hreflang="sk"&gt;1. 1. 1977 - Prehlásenie Charty 77&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/pad-berlinske-zdi" hreflang="cs"&gt;Pád Berlínské zdi&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/povstani-v-nemecke-demokraticke-republice" hreflang="cs"&gt;povstání v Německé demokratické republice&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/stavba-berlinske-zdi" hreflang="cs"&gt;Stavba Berlínské zdi&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/znovusjednoceni-nemecka" hreflang="cs"&gt;Znovusjednocení Německa&lt;/a&gt; Christburger Str. 46, Berlin&lt;br /&gt; Tel.: &lt;br /&gt; +49 30 47300991 Plný souhlas </description> <pubDate>Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:39:47 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator>Pamet naroda admin</dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">4153 at https://www.memoryofnations.sk</guid> </item> <item> <title>Schumacher Heinz-Dieter (1956)</title> <link>https://www.memoryofnations.sk/en/schumacher-heinz-dieter-1956</link> <description> &lt;span&gt;Schumacher Heinz-Dieter (1956)&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;alzbeta.polakova07&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;time datetime="2014-01-11T20:07:12+01:00" title="Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 20:07"&gt;Sat, 01/11/2014 - 20:07&lt;/time&gt; &lt;/span&gt; Heinz-Dieter Schumacher &lt;a href="/en/dr" hreflang="en"&gt;Dr.&lt;/a&gt; 1956 OMEZENÝ SOUHLAS, specifický projekt, publikuji pouze v ebadatelně normální Across the Iron Curtain into the GDR and back again &lt;p&gt;From 1985 to 1994, Dr. Heinz-Dieter Schumacher lived in the western part of Berlin. This allowed him to directly experience the Iron Curtain, which was primarily embodied in the Berlin Wall. His interest in border phenomena led him to undertake journeys to both sides of the German border. His journeys offered him multiple perspectives of the social situation of the period.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;+ Hans-Dieter Schumacher was born on January 19, 1956, in Wesel on the Lower Rhine River&lt;br /&gt; + Studied in Aachen and trained for a geologist&lt;br /&gt; + Moved to West Berlin in 1985, got a job at the Technical University of Berlin&lt;br /&gt; + Frequent journeys to East Germany possible because of his West-German passport&lt;br /&gt; + First reunion with his relatives from the GDR at the Alexanderplatz in 1986&lt;br /&gt; + Learned about the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, in the media&lt;br /&gt; + His relatives travel across the border to see him on the day after the fall&lt;br /&gt; + Moved to Mainz in 1993&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/obmedzeny-suhlas" hreflang="sk"&gt;Obmedzený súhlas&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/user/13670" hreflang="cs"&gt;lenka.koprivova&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p class="address" translate="no"&gt;&lt;span class="country"&gt;Nemecko&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/en/germany" hreflang="en"&gt;Germany&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/stavba-berlinske-zdi" hreflang="cs"&gt;Stavba Berlínské zdi&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/1989-pad-zeleznej-opony" hreflang="sk"&gt;1989 - Pád železnej opony&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/pad-berlinske-zdi" hreflang="cs"&gt;Pád Berlínské zdi&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/znovusjednoceni-nemecka" hreflang="cs"&gt;Znovusjednocení Německa&lt;/a&gt; Dr. Heinz-Dieter Schumacher&lt;br /&gt; Alexander-Fleming-Str. 39 a&lt;br /&gt; 55130 Mainz&lt;br /&gt; Tel: 06131-882695&lt;br /&gt; E-Mail: dgc-schumacher@t-online.de </description> <pubDate>Sat, 11 Jan 2014 19:07:12 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator>alzbeta.polakova07</dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">3637 at https://www.memoryofnations.sk</guid> </item> <item> <title>Szielasko Lothar (1935)</title> <link>https://www.memoryofnations.sk/en/szielasko-lothar-1935</link> <description> &lt;span&gt;Szielasko Lothar (1935)&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;alzbeta.polakova07&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;time datetime="2013-12-29T22:48:27+01:00" title="Sunday, December 29, 2013 - 22:48"&gt;Sun, 12/29/2013 - 22:48&lt;/time&gt; &lt;/span&gt; Lothar Szielasko 1935 OMEZENÝ SOUHLAS, specifický projekt, publikuji pouze v ebadatelně normální Goodbye my friends, you’ll never see me again! &lt;p&gt;Lothar Szielasko was born on September 10, 1935. He spent the first years of his life in what was then East Prussia. His paternal grandparents owned a farm there which the family left in the beginning of 1945. Fearing the invasion of the Russian troops, the family decides to flee to safety in the West. Lothar Szielasko, his mother and his sister made a journey all the way to Berlin, where Lothar first completed his elementary school education and then began an apprenticeship in the Funkwerk Köpenick in the Soviet sector of the city. Upon the completion of his apprenticeship, he studied at an Engineering School in Mittweida in Saxony. In the course of his studies he helped one of his fellow students to flee to the West. These and other experiences related to the phenomenon of the inner German border shaped the period of his studies.&lt;br /&gt; &nbsp;&lt;br /&gt; After graduating, he stayed and lived in Berlin and helped another friend to leave to East Germany by train. In the early 1960s, Lothar Szielasko himself decides to flee to the West and is shortly afterwards joined in West Germany by his mother and sister. At first, he worked at a company in Cologne but later left in favor of a job at the television company Fernseh GmbH in Darmstadt. His professional career later led him to Mainz, where he got a job at the German broadcaster Zweiter Deutscher Rundfunk and settled down with his own family. Today, Lothar Szielasko often visits the home of his childhood, now located in Poland, and the farm of his grandparents.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;+ 10.09.1935 – birth of Lothar Szielasko in Goldap, East Prussia&lt;br /&gt; + Beginning of 1945 – family flees from East Prussia to Berlin&lt;br /&gt; + 1950-1953 – apprenticeship in the Funkwerk Köpenick&lt;br /&gt; + 17.06.1953 – witnessed the workers’ uprising in Berlin&lt;br /&gt; + Since 1953 – studies at the School of Engineering in Saxony Mittweida&lt;br /&gt; + 1953-1959 – assisted a friend, Hans Mammach, with his escape to the West&lt;br /&gt; + 1959-1961 – assisted another friend, Klaus Lehmann, with his escape to the West&lt;br /&gt; + 1960-1961 – escape of Lothar Szielasko himself, work in Cologne&lt;br /&gt; + In the following years worked in a television company in Darmstadt&lt;br /&gt; + Later work at the second German broadcaster Zweiter Deutscher Rundfunk in Mainz&lt;br /&gt; + Szielasko settled down with his family in Mainz-Marienborn&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/obmedzeny-suhlas" hreflang="sk"&gt;Obmedzený súhlas&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/en/user/14194" hreflang="en"&gt;kathrin.neurohr&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p class="address" translate="no"&gt;&lt;span class="country"&gt;Nemecko&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/obet-nuteneho-presidlenia" hreflang="sk"&gt;Obeť núteného presídlenia&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/obyvatel-byvalych-nemeckych-vychodnich-oblasti-do-1945" hreflang="cs"&gt;Obyvatel bývalých německých východních oblastí (do 1945)&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/uprchlik-z-nemecke-demokraticke-republiky" hreflang="cs"&gt;Uprchlík z Německé demokratické republiky&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/en/germany" hreflang="en"&gt;Germany&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/1945-1947-odsun-nemcov-z-polska" hreflang="sk"&gt;1945 - 1947 - Odsun Nemcov z Poľska&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/vznik-nemecke-demokraticke-republiky" hreflang="cs"&gt;Vznik Německé demokratické republiky&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/povstani-v-nemecke-demokraticke-republice" hreflang="cs"&gt;povstání v Německé demokratické republice&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/1989-pad-zeleznej-opony" hreflang="sk"&gt;1989 - Pád železnej opony&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/znovusjednoceni-nemecka" hreflang="cs"&gt;Znovusjednocení Německa&lt;/a&gt; An der Kirschhecke 14&lt;br /&gt; 55127 Mainz&lt;br /&gt; Tel: 06131 34394&lt;br /&gt; E-Mail: szielasko@versanet.de </description> <pubDate>Sun, 29 Dec 2013 21:48:27 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator>alzbeta.polakova07</dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">3607 at https://www.memoryofnations.sk</guid> </item> <item> <title>Buchholz Siegfried (1939)</title> <link>https://www.memoryofnations.sk/en/buchholz-siegfried-1939</link> <description> &lt;span&gt;Buchholz Siegfried (1939)&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;alzbeta.polakova07&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;time datetime="2013-12-13T09:38:09+01:00" title="Friday, December 13, 2013 - 09:38"&gt;Fri, 12/13/2013 - 09:38&lt;/time&gt; &lt;/span&gt; Siegfried Buchholz 1939 OMEZENÝ SOUHLAS, specifický projekt, publikuji v ebadatelně normální Between two worlds &lt;p&gt;Sigfried Buchholz, born in 1939, had to flee with his family from Posen to Berlin in order to get out of the way of the advancing Red Army in 1945. The division of Berlin had direct consequences for Sigfried – he lived in East Berlin but went to school in West Berlin. Even though the authorities in East Berlin exerted considerable pressure on his family to enroll the children for a school in East Berlin, the family didn’t yield and Sigfried stayed at his original school. Thus he would cross the border on a daily basis and was confronted with permanent border controls. Together with his father, he also witnessed the rebellion on June 17, 1953. In 1959, he fled together with his brother to West Berlin after his mother had been arrested on charges of alleged smuggling.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;+ Born on January 25, 1939&lt;br /&gt; + Evacuated from Berlin at the age of four&lt;br /&gt; + Fled to Berlin at the age of six&lt;br /&gt; + 1946 enrolled for a West Berlin school&lt;br /&gt; + Reprisals by the East-German government because he kept attending a school in West Berlin&lt;br /&gt; + Witnessed the uprising of June 17, 1953&lt;br /&gt; + 1957 scored first place in a East-German rowing championship&lt;br /&gt; + 1958 tour of West Germany&lt;br /&gt; + 12.12.1959 arrest of his mother, fled to West Berlin&lt;br /&gt; + Completed his studies in electrical engineering in West Berlin&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/obmedzeny-suhlas" hreflang="sk"&gt;Obmedzený súhlas&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/en/user/14194" hreflang="en"&gt;kathrin.neurohr&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p class="address" translate="no"&gt;&lt;span class="country"&gt;Nemecko&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/emigrant-1948-1989" hreflang="sk"&gt;Emigrant 1948 – 1989&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/obet-nuteneho-presidlenia" hreflang="sk"&gt;Obeť núteného presídlenia&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/obyvatel-byvalych-nemeckych-vychodnich-oblasti-do-1945" hreflang="cs"&gt;Obyvatel bývalých německých východních oblastí (do 1945)&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/en/germany" hreflang="en"&gt;Germany&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/1945-1947-odsun-nemcov-z-polska" hreflang="sk"&gt;1945 - 1947 - Odsun Nemcov z Poľska&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/vznik-nemecke-demokraticke-republiky" hreflang="cs"&gt;Vznik Německé demokratické republiky&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/povstani-v-nemecke-demokraticke-republice" hreflang="cs"&gt;povstání v Německé demokratické republice&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/sk/1989-pad-zeleznej-opony" hreflang="sk"&gt;1989 - Pád železnej opony&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href="/cs/znovusjednoceni-nemecka" hreflang="cs"&gt;Znovusjednocení Německa&lt;/a&gt; Am Bornberg 4, 55130 Mainz &lt;br /&gt; Tel.: 06131/86920 &lt;br /&gt; Fax 03212/1056326, &lt;br /&gt; E-Mail: sw.buchholz@web.de </description> <pubDate>Fri, 13 Dec 2013 08:38:09 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator>alzbeta.polakova07</dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">3579 at https://www.memoryofnations.sk</guid> </item> </channel> </rss>