History and language of Moravian Croats
Association of Croats in the Czech Republic
History and language of Moravian Croats is a project that was carried out by the Association of Croats in the Czech republic. The target of it was to record memories and especially the dialect of Moravian Croats.
Popis autorských práv
The outcomes of the project can be used only for non commercial purposes. Association of Croats in the Czech republic requires to be informed about all outcomes based on the material published within this project.
25 pamětníků
stránka 3 / 3
Josef Skokanitsch
* 1948
Anna Stará
* 1933
Josef Uchytil
* 1934
Marie Utli
* 1941
- Předchozí stránka
- Stránka 1
- Stránka 2
- Aktuální stránka 3
- Následující stránka