Věra Holmanová

* 1936

  • "Everything should be known to the children, how they lived, how even the traitor was able to report on people who were not very involved. A lot of people from the village took it away by the Gestapo arriving, it was cars, swarms of cars, it was a lot of fuss around... The two uncles of mine escaped, also the one when they were arresting, then my friend Pavel's father, they also arrested him at home in that the village, in Drválovice. He managed to escape through the loft, through the roofs into the forest saving his bare life. And this is what young people should know."

  • "There was a bunker made underground, they had bunk beds and stoves there and it was all underground. It was the whole arch in the forest, two entrances were made there. And there were five more Russian soldiers who went to the forest, and the whole village helped them take care of their clothes and food. Half of the village, about twenty-eight, was executed from our village. Because everyone helped. I was little, I was seven and I dated my mom. Who would have noticed a lady holding a little girl's hand... So I knew where the bunker was. I was the only one in the village to go with her, no one knew where it was."

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    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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The children should know everything, how we used to live

Věra Holmanová in 2019
Věra Holmanová in 2019
zdroj: PNS

Věra Holmanová was born on March 6, 1936 as Věra Doležalová in Drválovice in the Boskovice region. Father Alois Doležal spent four years in Russia as a legionnaire in the First World War. During the war, the family supported guerrillas and Soviet soldiers who escaped from captivity and hid in a bunker in the woods. They brought clothes and supplies for them. Her cousins and uncle also joined the resistance. The group was revealed by the Gestapo based on the allegations. His father was arrested in 1943 and his mother in 1944. Alois Doležal died on September 4, 1944 in Wrocław (then Breslau), and his mother Anežka Doležalová was executed by the Gestapo on October 5, 1944 in Pankrác. Věra grew up with an older sister, since 1946 she has spent three and a half years in an orphanage in Boskovice. In Hradec Králové, she trained as a gardener and flower tyer, and worked for many years in the flower hall in Hradec Králové. She married and had two children. Today (2019) she lives in Hořice.