René Gómez Manzano * 1943 Cuba, Advokát, Disident, Cuban Dissident, Protikomunistický odbojár a 1 další kategorie
Vladimiro Roca Antúnez * 1942 Cuba, Disident, Cuban Dissident, Memories about Fidel Castro, The Homeland Belongs to Us All (1997) a 2 další kategorie Cuba after 1959, Cuba before 1959, Triumph of the Revolution (Cuba)
Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello * 1945 Cuban Dissident, Disident, Cuba, Memories about Fidel Castro, The Homeland Belongs to Us All (1997) a 2 další kategorie Black Spring of Cuba 2003, Cuba after 1959, Cuba before 1959, Execution of General Ochoa, Triumph of the Revolution (Cuba)