Marie Horová

* 1934

  • "I like songs written by famous composers, but the most beautiful songs are national songs that people came up with, for example when they worked. Or when they felt sorry for something, when they were unhappy, when a boy went to war, or, when a child was born, so then lullabies. These are the most beautiful songs, no one can catch up with them, no matter how excellent they are, I also like them, but such songs are the most beautiful."

  • "It was great, because everything that was written on the shops, everything had to be in German first - then you will see my report card - Hitler was everywhere. Everyone was afraid to say something in order not to get locked up and sent away to a concentration camp. And suddenly I saw German company labels dropping down; there were ladders and they just threw them on the ground. The revolution just started in Prague, so it spread our everywhere. The Russians arrived, we welcomed them. We were happy and drove to Vypich, here at the crossroads, if you know it, just behind the cemetery. Tanks rode there, but mainly exhausted people, also horses rode among them. The horses were so upset that maybe two dropped down into a scarp just dead on spot. In Brandýs, there is a number of graves of Red Army soldiers in the cemetery, who died on May 9, on the very last day. The Germans were waiting for them. They still thought they would win."

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Singer from Bustehrad

While singing
While singing
zdroj: archiv pamětnice

Marie Horová, née Velcová, was born on September 7, 1934 in Buštěhrad. Dad was a music teacher and mom a seamstress. During WW2 Marie went to school and devoted herself to music along with her siblings. She had to hide in the cellar several times when air raids were announced. After the war, she graduated as dental instruments and worked at the dental clinic in Dejvice. Her first child died and she and her husband had two more sons. After the birth of her children, she did not return to the field of healthcare and began working in the company of a Buštěhrad primary school as an educator. She devoted her whole life to singing and, thanks to her husband, also scouting.