Iron Curtain Stories
The Istrian Historical Society / The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution / The Memorial to the Victims of Communism and to the Anticommunist Resistance / Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz / Post Bellum SK
The Iron Curtain is a line that dramatically affected lives of those who lived along it. More than 20 years after its fall the physical monuments are slowly disappearing from the landscape. To keep the memory alive, we would like to document how the Iron Curtain affected life of people in both Western and Eastern part of Europe. Partner organizations from Germany (Johannes Gutenber University Mainz), Czech Republic (Post Bellum), Slovakia (Post Bellum SK), Hungary (Institute of the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution), Croatia (Istrian Historical Society), Romania (Sighet Memorial of the Victims of Communismus and of the Resistance) will make oral history interviews with several categories of witnesses (emmigrants, people smugglers, agents of Intelligence Services, border guards, ressetled groups of inhabitants, people who lived close to the border or were resettled from the frontier zone, etc.) and publish them here, in the Memory of Nations Archive. The material will be also presented via the Memory of Nations Mobile Phone Application.
Josef Kadlčík
* 1939
Oldřich Kalousek
* 1933
Lino Kmet
* 1941
Miroslav Kočica
* 1955
Ferenc Kočiš
* 1955
Milan Kolář
* 1933 †︎ 2015
František Kolečkář
* 1932 †︎ 2019
Ruth Kollinger
* 1960
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- Aktuální stránka 4
- Stránka 5
- Stránka 6
- Stránka 7
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