Petr Karmazín

* 1949

  • "In the seventies came the background checks. Everybody went to a room set aside for that, where they had to say out loud in a nice way that they agreed to the entry of friendly armies, and they had to sign it. My supervisor warned me, he said, 'Look, if you want to keep playing sports' - I was in various selections at the time and on the national orienteering team - 'if you want to work here, don't do anything stupid, sign it and say it'."

  • "The square was full, and from Chrastava the tanks drove around, not through the square, but around the town hall, then they drove up to almost the square again, actually to the corner of the square, and drove as if to Švermák. When I got there, now a lot of people, now everybody there was threatening the Russians and so on, and when I was leaving I was going back to Pražská Street. And I was going down, I was about fifty meters in that Pražská street and suddenly there was a noise and then just shooting. At that moment you don't know where it's coming from, it just echoed between the buildings. The square lay on the ground, we jumped into the passage, I jumped into this recessed entrance. Then it stopped, I was up there, now I don't know if I went back to look or not, but maybe I did. And what happened was that one of those tanks, in that sharp turn, when it was going like towards the square and then turning, I said Švermák, but Šalďák, Šaldovo Square, sorry. So in that sharp turn it got skidded on the cobblestones that were there and it went into the house."

  • "I graduated from high school in 1960 and started working for Lesostavby Liberec and I worked on the construction site in Josefův Důl, building housing units. And on the morning, I don't know now what day it was, the twenty-first, I have an impression if it wasn't Monday, because I got up in the morning, we put the radio on the wire, I don't know if you have any idea what it was. It was a kind of a radio broadcast around town on the wires, one station. Well, I put it on for the time, the time signal, and now I'm listening and I'm saying, what's going on?! It's some kind of radio play that comes on at six in the morning, a war play. My parents got up - and they were trained from the war, they heard the planes flying, so they said, now there's one plane after another flying from the border towards Prague. I went to work, I came there - and I had most of the staff there were Poles, Polish workers who came from Poland. They weren't there, they didn't let them cross the border anymore."

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    Jablonec nad Nisou, 07.05.2021

    délka: 01:16:50
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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I grew up with the Boy Scout ideals

Petr Karmazín in 2021
Petr Karmazín in 2021
zdroj: Stories of our neighbours

Petr Karmazín was born in 1949 in Jablonec nad Nisou as the youngest of three children, he had an older sister and a brother. The family originally lived in Beroun and moved to Jablonec nad Nisou as part of the post-war settlement of the border region. From his childhood he played sports, attended a parachute club and eventually got into orienteering on skis. Thanks to his older siblings, he was always close to the scouting ideals and in the 1960s he started to join a scout troop, first secretly, then legally from 1968. At that time he graduated and joined Lesostavby Liberec. He experienced the dramatic course of the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968 in the centre of Liberec, where a tank crashed and live fire with casualties occurred. In 1969 he went to Sweden with the orienteering team. He married in 1971 and had two daughters. At that time he was already working at the Autobrzdy company. He continued his activities in the spirit of scouting, either under the head of a climbing club or later as part of a youth hiking club (TOM) in Liberec. In November 1989, he was involved in the organisation of the general strike. After the revolution, he helped to rebuild the Scouts in Jablonec nad Nisou, where he currently lives (2021).