Karel Král

* 1953

  • "At that time I worked in the Theatre Institute as the director of the documentation department. I also collaborated with the theatre director Petr Scherhaufer who worked both in the Husa na provázku theatre in Brno and in the Lucerna amateur theatre in Prague. It went on simultaneously for several years. I also worked with Ondřej Černý and Marie Reslová and a lot of other people as a kind of a semi-legal bulletin – we called it the Voice of the young theatre artists (Aktiva mladých divadelníků). We were very proud that the oldest member was 80 years old – Josef Šafařík. And we wrote this bulletin and at that time, in 1989, I was already wondering what I should do because I couldn’t manage to do it all properly. The first thing I left behind was the collaboration with the Lucerna theatre. And I also realized that the bulletin has reached the state when we couldn’t continue on the amateur basis and we had to make it a proper magazine. So I asked my friends at the Jazz section about the possibility to write it under them. And from my point of view, the revolution came just in time because we changed the bulletin, partly with the financial support of the state, into the Svět a divadlo magazine. So yes, I had it all well prepared.”

  • Celé nahrávky
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    Divadelní ústav, 09.09.2009

    délka: 06:51
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Memory And Art
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

At that time we didn’t know that the revolution would be as smooth as velvet

Karel Král 3
Karel Král 3
zdroj: Jaroslav Prokop

Karel Král was born in 1953. He studied drama and film at Charles University. From 1979, he worked in the Theatre Institute, in the documentation department. In 1990, he worked also briefly as it‘s director. In the second half of the 80s, he issued with his colleagues a samizdat anthologies O divadle (On theatre). Their main platform was the Voice of the young theatre artists (Aktiva mladých divadelníků), a product of the Perestroika thawing of cultural ice. At the end of the 80s, he and his colleagues edited seven volumes and the Kafka ‚89 collection. The collections featured also some prohibited authors. They have gradually evolved into the Svět a divadlo (The World of Theatre) magazine. In November 1989 Karel Král established the Centre of Theatre Artists‘ strike at the Drama Institute. They created a so called information and documentation centre of the Czech theatre community. Král has become the chief editor of the Svět a divadlo magazine. In 1993, he established The International Theatre Festival, where he participated until 2001.