Thomas Jefferson: Don´t bother others with what you can do yourself

Stáhnout obrázek
Zdeňka Křížová (rozená Hnitková) was born on 26th March 1940 in Prague. Her parents and grandparents from both sides lived in Kralupy. Father of Zdeňka´s mother was an important town citizen, the director of the local distillery. The first self-contained memory of the witness is of the devastating air-raid of Kralupy, in March 1945. Afer the war, her grandfather was deprived of his work post and accused of the co-operation with the Germans. The family lost its social status and property and was labelled as politically unreliable. The witness completed her studies of the Pedagogical School without having a chance to study at university. She was sent on a job offer to different schools . In the 1960s she succeeded in adding Russian, Music and later English to her qualifications. English has become her lifelong profession and interest.