Mgr. Vítězslav Kutík

* 1960

  • "Then the first encounter with reality came when our class teacher found out that he only had two members of Pionýr out of 22 pupils. So he forced us to join the Pionýr section with a very strong argument that anyone who wants to go to high school must be in Pionýr. On the other hand, we as the members, were surely not exemplary, because we agreed that we would stick to the scout or the scout principles. Already for the reason that some of us were in the Scouts in 1968 and when it disappeared, we did not join any pioneer group, only with a delay. And we were a tourist group called Bludičky. We got lost on almost every trip. It was a paradox as our leader was also a geography teacher."

  • Celé nahrávky
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    Hradec Králové, 19.04.2022

    délka: 26:32
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

After the Chernobyl accident, he was in Kiev, where water tankers sprinkled the streets full of people

graduation photo in 1978
graduation photo in 1978
zdroj: Archiv pamětníka

Vítězslav Kutík was born on March 16, 1960 in Hradec Králové to a teaching family, but they soon moved to Hořovice. In 1968, he joined the renewed Junák. In elementary school, he and his friends had to create bulletin boards for socialist anniversaries. In the seventh grade, the teacher forced the whole class to join Pionýr, otherwise he wouldn‘t let anyone study. After high school, he attended the Faculty of Education in České Budějovice. He had to do many compulsory part-time jobs in college. In 1986, he traveled to the Soviet Union to Kiev, just after the explosion at the Chernobyl power plant. After his marriage, he moved to Hradec Králové to join his wife. In 1989, he became a member of the Civic Forum. In 1992, he joined the Josef Balbín Bishop‘s High School in Hradec Králové as a teacher, where he worked for several decades. In 2022, he lived and worked in Hradec Králové.