Why is there a border here?
Ingrid Leser was born in 1949 in Tirschenreuth, Bavaria. Her parents were exiles who came here only a few months ago: her mother came from Tachov region, her father from Zlaté Hory in Jeseníky. When Ingrid was still young, the family moved to nearby Bärnau, close to the Czechoslovak border. The family circle was completed by grandparents from the mother‘s side, memories of the lost home in Czechoslovakia were a frequent topic of domestic conversations. Ingrid thus had the opportunity to become very familiar not only with the fate of the family, but also with the various customs and traditions that the Germans in the Tachov region maintained. She herself, after a short career in a bank and a longer stay in England, decided to become an English teacher, working for many years at an elementary school in Bärnau. She was very interested in Czechoslovakia since childhood, she tried to visit it often and maintain friendly relations with the locals. With her activities, it significantly contributes not only to the strengthening of friendly relations between Czechs and Germans, but also to the preservation of the cultural heritage of Czechoslovakian Germans.