Jaromír Matouš

* 1943

  • "I joined the engineers in Litoměřice in October 1962. The advantage was that - although there were different elements - there was an excellent group. Some colleges didn't have a military department - that was the engineers or the Mining College in Ostrava. Those engineers, de facto four or five years older than us, went to the army with us for two years. So I have fond memories of that. We even kept in touch until 1968. After 1968, we dispersed and never met again."

  • "On the night of November thirteenth, in 53' at night, a commando of six State Security officers burst in. De facto, my cousin, who was still living with us, was studying at the university. The day before, on Thursday, there had been a concert by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, where my uncle's wife, the composer Jaroslav Řídký, had played his piano concerto. So his pupil from the music school in Příbram was still staying with us. So there was a problem. Suddenly, when they broke in, they found out that - because before, people had to sign in when they stayed there - they didn't sign in who was staying there. After the concert, they didn't come in until late at night, when there was no way to check in with the concierge that they had come."

  • "After the war, the Foreign Ministry was partly occupied by ambassadors. Then there were airmen from England who came back. So the children... Some came and had English women, but also Czech women. We were very friendly with their children. It was a real shock to us when they suddenly disappeared overnight in 1949. One day, we were playing and talking, and the next day they were gone."

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We should have eliminated the Communist Party

Jaromír Matouš, 2023
Jaromír Matouš, 2023
zdroj: Post Bellum

Jaromír Matouš was born on 4 March 1943 in Prague. After the war, his father, Bohuslav Matouš, became the head of the political archive in the office of Edvard Beneš. He also assisted the President in writing his memoirs. The Matouš family was in close contact with the Beneš family. After 1948, his mother‘s sister, Anna Kvapilová, emigrated to Norway. After the death of Edvard Beneš, Bohuslav Matouš worked at the J. A. Comenius Pedagogical Library and the Historical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. In 1953, his father was arrested by the State Security Service (StB). He was sentenced to eight years imprisonment for treason. He was released early in 1959. After completing his primary education, Jaromír Matouš wanted to enrol in a grammar school, which the regime did not allow him to do. Eventually, in 1960, he took an apprenticeship at the national enterprise Printer Works Svoboda [Freedom - transl.]. In 1962-1964, he served his basic military service in Litoměřice. In 1965-1977, he studied at the Higher School of Graphic Arts. During socialism, he was friends with Hana Benešová, Prokop Drtina and Antonia Kleinerová. During the Velvet Revolution, he participated in demonstrations and founded the Civic Forum (OF) in the printing house where he worked. In 2023, he lived in Prague.