"When they were guided, there used to be a number of prisoners, and they were all connected by a chain to which they were tied up. But he was a little free to go down the steep hill. As they left, one of the guardsmen knocked a cap of the prisoner in front of him and it fell down to the wires. The warden told him to pick her up. He allegedly bent down and the warden shot him. As if for nothing."
"And knowing that one of the fellow prisoners was the bishop, he asked if he at least baptized him. He told him that he must know the catechism at least a little. So he always gave him lessons in the evening. So it happened one day that someone (the warden) disliked something, so (the bishop) got ten days (to serve in correction). So the bishop said, "I will baptize you." He baptized him in the evening, so he was to go there in the morning. When he went there, he said: 'If I survive, his father had a beautiful orchard, a garden near Pilsen, so I will set up a memorial there.'"
"It was always like that: Gottwald is the first workers' president. Something else was out of the question. But the boys said that Masaryk was the first president, so they made leaflets. It was about Masaryk. Apparently the first one to contribute to the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic was Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. And there was a biography of Masaryk. And because my husband was just serving in military, Jirka said that he had the opportunity to give it to the soldiers and they would know that the head of Gottwald was not important, but that Masaryk was much more important."
Olga Nadějová, for single Nýdrlová, was born on August 6, 1932 in Semily. Her father made a living as a glassmaker and during the German occupation he was summened to build labour camps in Rychnov nad Kněžnou. After the liberation of Czechoslovakia, he became a member of the Communist Party. After the war, the witness attended a social and health school in Litoměřice. At the age of nineteen, in 1951, she married Rudolf Naděje. He joined his younger brother in the anti-communist resistance, they allegedly wanted to carry out an assassination attempt on the hospital‘s primary, which they accused of involvement in the persecution of priests. In March 1953, they were convicted of high treason for printing and distributing anti-state leaflets. Her husband was serving a ten-year sentence in uranium mines in the Jáchymov region and his brother Jiří in the Příbram region. Meanwhile, the witness raised their firstborn son Rudolf. The husband was released after the May amnesty in 1960 and was employed as an unskilled worker at Technometra. Both welcomed the revival process of 1968, the husband became involved in public events in Semily. At the beginning of the 1970s, her husband was again sentenced, this time to a six-month sentence, which he was serving in a prison in Oráčov in the Rakovnicko region. After 1989, they moved from Semily to Jablonec nad Jizerou.