Portraits of Prague citizens
Who are those people that we are meeting everyday on the streets of Prague? Some of them are well-known, most of them not. Do we know what interesting situations have they experienced in their life? Our project is a collection of 28 interesting stories of people, which memories reflect both history of Prague and history of our country. The project was carried out by Post Bellum with financial support of Magistrát Hlavního města Prahy, Městská část Praha 3 and Městská část Praha 1.
Popis autorských práv
All stories, testimonies, text documents, photographs and other materials from the collection of Post Bellum are available to anyone who respects citation rules. We want to use the collection in the widest possible use to educational, research, publication, and other purposes. Please refer "to the Post Bellum collection". For the license use please contact: Mikuláš Kroupa, mikulas.kroupa @ postbellum.cz.
Pavel Bratinka
* 1946
Taťána Bubníková
* 1931
Kristina Černá
* 1959
Miroslav Kamil Černý
* 1950
Zdeněk Damašek
* 1925 †︎ 2012
Iva Drápalová
* 1925 †︎ 2016
Vladimír Hajný
* 1939
Tomáš Halík
* 1948
Jiří Hovorka
* 1930 †︎ 2014
- Předchozí stránka
- Aktuální stránka 1
- Stránka 2
- Stránka 3
- Následující stránka