Jana Rejtharová

* 1940

  • "My uncle was beaten by the communists for letting some people stay at his place who then fled to the West. That was the forty-eighth or forty-ninth year." - "That's terribly important. We didn't say that. Was that Mom's brother?" - "Yes." - "That's terrible." - "I know, I was at the funeral, so I know there was a flower behind his ear, someone gave it to him." - "What was this uncle's name? If we were looking for it somewhere." - "Gustav." - "And his last name? I forgot." - "Well, Vlach, Gustav Vlach." - "And he let some people stay at his place who wanted to go across the border, right?" - "And even dyed his hair or something." - "So I understand it well - so my mother lost her husband, her brother..." - "And father."

  • "It was a letter to me and my mother." - "And what did dad write to you?" - "Well, to take care of mom, that mom is the best person in the world." - "And to mom?" "To mom to get married again if she gets the chance." - "You don't seem to remember how mom felt about it - this whole period - or how she felt about it?" - "I know she and Grandma just cried all the time."

  • "He [my father] was in Pankrác, and then from Pankrác they took him to Plötzensee." - "How was it with him? Did he have any trial?" - "I don't think so." - "Well, he probably had one." - "Well, my mother kept hoping he'd come back, that he wouldn't be punished like that." - "What happened to dad?" - "Well, they took him to Plötzensee and executed him by guillotine." - "And when was that?" - "On the fourth... Wait, April 8th. April 8th, 1943."

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I don‘t remember dad. But I know he was an admirable man

Jana Rejtharová in 2023
Jana Rejtharová in 2023
zdroj: Post Bellum

Jana Rejtharová, née Žampachová, was born on 23 January 1940 in Prostějov to Maria and Josef Žampach. Her grandfather Augustin Vlach, the chief of Sokol, was arrested by the Gestapo in 1941. On November 7, 1941, he left with a transport to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he died on March 22, 1942. Her father, Josef Žampach, an air force lieutenant, army officer and technical clerk at ČKD, served from 1939 in the leadership of the Union of Airmen of the Czechoslovak Republic. He helped Czechoslovak airmen to go abroad to fight against Nazi Germany. He was arrested by the Gestapo on April 4, 1940 and executed by guillotine on April 8, 1943 in Berlin-Plötzensee. Her uncle Augustin Vlach Jr., a former officer of the Czechoslovak Air Force and designer of the Brno Armaments Factory, became involved in helping emigrants after 1948. He was arrested by State Security (StB) on 5 January 1949, and allegedly committed suicide by jumping out of a window during interrogation on 7 January 1949. However, his family is convinced that the interrogators killed him. Jana Rejtharová studied internal trade, tourism and catering in Mariánské Lázně. She and her husband raised two daughters. She lived in Prague in 2023.