Augustin Štrof

* 1930

  • “At that time, chief Brother Plajner, nicknamed Táta (Dad), declared that whoever could remain with the kids, let him do so. Therefore, we did not withdraw to any other association but we remained under Pioneer (state-recognized youth organization during the communist era – transl.’s note) as a curiosity of a sort. It was strange because Pioneers gathered mainly at schools and we were some kind of a weird Pioneer street group on Hrnčířská Street. Since, we focused on all these competitions, the communist bosses respected us and left us alone. Although, they all knew that we were former Scouts.”

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    Brno, klubovna skautské Dvojky, 14.10.2011

    délka: 01:33:35
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu A Century of Boy Scouts
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

We were certainly not a hotbed for young communists

Augustin Štrof
Augustin Štrof
zdroj: Autor rozhovoru Skautského století

  Augustin Štrof, nicknamed Gustav, was born in Brno on Friday August 22, 1930. He joined the Scouts in 1948, when he was in his late teens. The reason he had not become a Scout at a younger age was that, at that time there was no Boy Scout troop in the neighbourhood Pod vodárnou, where he lived. His parents didn‘t allow him to walk to Husovice, which was further away. He joined the 13th unit in Brno, which is still in existence today. After 1968, he transferred to the 2nd unit, where he served as the leader of Cub Scouts. Until 1989, the troop functioned as part of the Pionýr organization and it was restored as a Scout troop after the Velvet revolution.