Vladimír Talášek

* 1938

  • „Dole v přízemí byla velká restaurace, ta připadla Ráji. Dům byl znárodněn. Platily všechny dekrety o nadměrnosti bytu. Já jsem tehdy začal studovat v Praze, maminka byla přestěhována do menšího bytu a platila nájem. Došlo k tomu, že dům byl obsazován zejména zasloužilými nájemníky, straníky, lidmi, kteří byli režimu milí. Umísťovali je tam bez ohledu na cokoli. Dům byl postupně plundrován, protože za socialismu se do ničeho neinvestovalo. Jen za všechny roky do plynofikace, která se tehdy zařizovala všude, ale jinak se žilo z podstaty. Investice začaly, až když rodiče dům převzali, ale poněvadž už měli přes osmdesát, tak ho darovali nám a my jsme s bratrancem mohli začít aspoň s tím nejzákladnějším, to znamená obnovit střechu.“

  • „Otec byl poctěn československým válečným křížem, v Hranicích tehdy byl i prezident Beneš. Až když jsem si připravoval všechny podklady a věci, které jsou uloženy na krajském vojenském velitelství, včetně otcovy uniformy a jeho posledních slov k nám. To muselo proběhnout lety, protože ani maminku jsem nechtěl drásat věcmi, které si musela prožít. Ale potom jsme o tom hovořili mockrát, když jsem byl schopen ty věci pochopit. Stejně jako jsem hovořil s oběma strýčky ještě předtím, než byl můj druhý strýček zatčen a odsouzen do Leopoldova, kde strávil několik let zcela zbytečně na nějaké udání. To se stalo v roce 1957 a já bych to ani nevěděl. Tehdy jsem studoval na Vysoké škole chemicko-technologické, povolali mě na vojenskou správu a tam mně takový mladý podplukovník sdělil, jakého hrozného činu se strýček dopustil.“

  • „Velmi rychle jsem věděl, kde jsem zařazen. Byli jsme buržoazní rodina, protože babička postavila další patro domu a to byl přečin, který se nedal ničím nahradit v očích lidí, kteří převzali moc. Protože to byla zásadní hrůza, něco udělat, něco postavit, dát do toho vlastní peníze. Ale to jsem pochopil později. Už ale ne tak pozdě. Už ve čtrnácti letech mi řekla babička, která žila do mých sedmnácti let... Tehdy běžel proces s lidmi, kteří se nejvíce zasloužili o komunistický puč, pánové Slánský a další. A babička, když vynášeli nad nimi rozsudky smrti a rodiny se pod to podepisovaly, tak babička řekla: ‚Vládíku, už ta banda věší jeden druhého, jak je to v té jejich Moskvě naučili.‘“

  • “My uncle was then kicked out of the army, but still kept his general rank. But the uncle said something... The people, who survived Nazi prison, used to meet up, he was imprisoned for twelve years in Kassel and finally in Mírov. Then he said something in a cafe and was denounced. And so he got another four years to serve in Leopoldov prison between 1957 and 1961. And when he got there, there were some high SS commanders and said: ‚Herr General, Sie sind wieder da.‛ That must have been huge. And he told me: ‚Vládík, you got to be smarter that these bastards, as are they only waiting for any openness to get you.”

  • “So I had to know not being able to say ‚Hitler bastard‛ already in 1943 or 1944. Then I began to perceive it strongly, when the Red Army came here along with the top commanders. And the wife of the Soviet army major, who my mum played the piano for, told her: ‚Mrs. Talášková, you are up to some heavy stuff. You are going to experience something I did, as my parents are still in exile in Archangelsk.‛ Of course that was said amongst the adults and I didn’t really know about it. But soon after 1948, I already knew, as we became the hated bourgeoisie only for my grandma built another floor to the house for hard-earned money.”

  • “Back then my mum and uncle spoke Czech and also my uncle could naturally speak Polish. My mum not much. Granny spoke German, some Hungarian, as she stayed with her aunt in Budapest, who was a milliner. Obviously she could speak Polish. Simply the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy, whatever it was, provided a larger life space and start for many nations, which took it the way people wanted. It is only good that the world war finally ended up with the Allies winning, but people lived their lives and woke up in the republic. They used to say, it was a kind of small and narrow. My grandpa traded coal and used to go to Poznan, in former Prussia. And he also traded cloths and textile, and used to go to Lemberk, or L’viv and Tarnov. And my granny told me that he missed it until the end of his life. He died in 1929 and still kept saying: ‚It is so terribly small here, I cannot make any business.‛ That is the kind of feeling the people had and remained within them.”

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Disrespect to the people, who sacrificed their lives during the war, bothered me terribly

Vladimír  Talášek
Vladimír Talášek
zdroj: autorka natáčení

Vladimír Talášek is the son of the same colonel, who was executed on 19 August, 1942 by the Nazis in Plötzensee for his rebellious activity in an organisation called Defence of the Nation. Vladimír has no memories of his father, as he was merely five years old at the time, was born on 1st January, 1938 in Hranice na Moravě. Yet he remembers both father´s brothers, who were also high army officers. One of them, Jaroslav Talášek was imprisoned by the Nazis and then the communists. The second uncle Oldřich worked in an exile ministry of defence in London during war, fought at the Slovak National Uprising and finally was also persecuted by the communists. The family house at the square in Hranice na Moravě was nationalised, Vladimír lived in poor conditions with his granny and mother. All his life he suffered by the fact his father´s and uncles´ heroism was forgotten. He studied the High School of Chemistry and Technology, but as he expressed disagreement with the entry of the Soviet army at the Czechoslovak territory in 1968, he could no longer pursue his scientific carrier. Until the revolution in 1989 he worked in the Institute of Technical Development and Information, which was a kind of a refuge for regime inconvenient technical experts. Following 1989 he became the vice-rector for science and research at ICT. Then he worked for a German company. During restitutions he got his family house back in a desolated state, and repaired it together with his cousin, and began living in a place he was born again. The name of his father now carries a company of active reserves in Olomouc and since 1989 the family has received recognition for the resistance activities and heroism of all the three brothers.