Kamil Tyrychtr

* 1970

  • "Otherwise, my grandfather, from whom I actually learned everything, was a trained food chemist. And do you know chocolate-covered cherries? So that's his patent, for example, that he sold, introduced fruit chewing gum to the country. So even though he had a small factory in Jičín, he only had twenty-two people there, which is not that big, it was a hugely successful brand. The interesting thing was that after the nationalization, within two years it a denture factory, so all the state-of-the-art technology went to a scrapyard and everybody was amazed. Then four years later, when they were looking for it because they needed it for the Orion factory, they found it was piled up on a compost heap and all rusty."

  • "In the 1990s we had elections to parliament. The regime was practically removed from the whole society, but there were still town national committees and similar structures. And we had a lease on the garden from 1972 for twenty years, so until 1992, and even at this time my grandfather started getting letters from the local committee telling him to move out, that he would never be allowed to renew the lease. Well, and then with one of these letters we found him, or rather my aunt found him dead sitting in a chair, so he couldn't stand it and had a heart attack. In the ninety-first, thank God, there were elections for the local councils, the local national committee board was replaced and, strangely enough, three months later we were able to buy the garden."

  • "My grandfather had a small factory, which of course was taken away from him after the year forty-eight, and when he began to build a garden on rented land in Pařezská Lhota, it quickly began to happen that his former employees began to appear there. And it was quite interesting to listen to them recalling how happily they had survived the war, that the employees had, could buy at factory prices some, not unlimited, of course, but limited quantities of flour, sugar to take home, and how different it was afterwards when February came, or rather when they took over Grandpa's factory in the forty-ninth. The national administration came in and suddenly all the employees rather went, how to put it politely, just the situation turned dramatically, all the employee benefits that were there under that evil capitalist suddenly disappeared and suddenly everybody was worse off because of the successful national administration. Well, since I was never one of the nicest and quietest pupils, every now and then I would say something like that at school, and our comrade headmaster didn't like it at all."

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    Turnov, 01.03.2019

    délka: 01:12:37
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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It was a rule under the communist regime that the bigger the fool, the higher position he had.

Kamil Tyrychtr 2019
Kamil Tyrychtr 2019
zdroj: Stories of Our Neigbours

Kamil Tyrychtr was born on 15 July 1970 in Jičín, his parents divorced when he was four years old. His mother worked shifts as a nurse and Kamil grew up mostly with his grandfather. In 1972, grandafther started a garden, which had one of the largest collections of aquatic plants in the world. Between 1939 and 1949 he ran a confectionery factory in Jičín, and had a patent for chocolate-covered cherries, for example. The communists nationalised it and Kamil, as the grandson of a capitalist, was not allowed to study. Because of ideological disputes with the headmaster of the primary school, he almost did not finish his education, he was only allowed to become a bricklayer or a miner. Thanks to the intercession of his class teacher and an acquaintance from the national committee, he became a shop assistant and completed a two-year extension course with a high school diploma. If November 1989 had not come, he probably would have been punished for publicly insulting a shop inspector in front of a full store of customers. He was exempted from military service due to an eye defect. He worked in a grocery store in Turnov until 1990, and has been in the gardening business since 1991. He takes care of his grandfather‘s garden in Pařezská Lhota and continues to increase the collection of water lilies there, which is one of the largest in the world.