Life was good
Anastasie Vondra is a Czech expatriate from West Siberia who was born in 1937 in Novogradka, Omsk Oblast, into a family of mixed nationality. Her mother, née Pohořelová, was a Czech, and her father, Adam Svenč, was Latvian. At home they spoke Russian. As a child she and her brother attended primary school in the neighbouring village of Voskresenka; she started working (as a shepherdess) at eleven years of age. She married a local Czech, from 1961 they lived in another district of the Omsk Oblast. After her husband‘s death in 1977 she returned, and even today she still lives in Repinka, where she was long employed at the local canteen. She brought up three children. All her children obtained secondary or tertiary education. She remembers many Czech folk songs and customs, and she speaks a good Czech dialect, even to her adult children, although they do not speak in Czech.