It‘s a shame we hadn‘t learned Czech

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Erwin Zwerschina was born on 17 June 1932 in Drahovice, a district of Karlovy Vary. His father worked as a school director in Rybáře, his mother warked in his grandma‘s corset shop on the Karlovy Vary promenade. As a smalll boy, he was up to many mischiefs and adventures. In 1944, his father was drafted and sent to the battlefront. After the end of the war, the German population of Czechoslovakia was in permanent insecurity about what would happen the next day. The Zwerschina family were no different. On 2 October 1945, Erwin and his mother escaped to Germany. At the end of the year, they settled in Sulzbach-Rosenberg where they found a new home. Erwin Zwerschina studied civil engineering and worked in the field his whole life. In 1983, he became the ‚Ortsbetreuer‘ of Drahovice, and later of the whole Karlovy Vary district. He still has a strong bond with his former homeland.