Gisela Rieseder

* 1940

  • "My mother didn't want to talk about it [the displacement from Czechoslovakia] at all. She told me about it once and that was it. And she didn't tell me that she was raped at all. I learned about it from my aunt, my mother's sister. She was so surprised she never told me. My mother never wanted to talk about it."

  • "My father's mother has her grave in Heřmanovy Sejfy, where the tomb is. And my daddy had a childhood friend who was then the mayor of Hostinné, to whom he wrote and asked for help because my daddy didn't have any photos of his mother. Today we can't imagine it at all. On the gravestone is the only picture that exists, and he wanted to have it at any cost. He said he'd pay anything. And the mayor of Hostinné, I don't know if he was a childhood friend or an acquaintance, made it possible to send the gravestone to Frankenthal, where my father lived and where he died. And now he is also buried there and he has his mother's gravestone with him. That's why there's a photo of the gravestone."

  • "During the escape, i.e. the removal, she had nothing at all except the clothes she was wearing. First, she tried to leave with a truck. It must have been sometime, I thought later, between the end of the war and August. That's when she tried it. She sewed gold into a teddy bear, loaded the car. Daddy was in the war, she was all alone, her parents were already in Bavaria, they had gone there earlier. And she stayed, maybe waiting for her husband. And she thought he'd come home from Russian captivity now. Anyway, she took the car and tried it with us two small children. The Silesian border is not that far from the Giant Mountains, what, thirty, forty kilometers? I don't know exactly. Anyway, they took everything from her and she had to walk back."

  • Celé nahrávky
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    Wels, 20.11.2023

    délka: 01:29:13
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Removed Memory
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

Tatínek po vlasti stále truchlil

Gisela Rieseder as a child, ca. 1945
Gisela Rieseder as a child, ca. 1945
zdroj: Witness´s archive

Gisela Rieseder, za svobodna Kluge, se narodila 10. srpna 1940 v Trutnově do německé rodiny. Tatínek Alfred Kluge sloužil ve wehrmachtu. Spolu s maminkou a mladším bratrem musela Gisela Rieseder v roce 1945 utéct z Hostinného v Podkrkonoší do bavorského Neuburgu. Tatínkovi se podařilo uprchnout ze sovětského zajetí a následovat je. Tatínek celý život nesl odloučení od své vlasti velmi těžce. V pěti letech pamětnice onemocněla postupně tyfem, spálou a záškrtem. Vystudovala pečovatelskou školu ve Vídni, vdala se a narodily se jí tři děti. Gisela Rieseder se do své původní vlasti několikrát podívala. V roce 2023 žila ve Welsu v Rakousku.