Jaromír Černý

* 1930

  • “When the operation ended, life returned to normal. But then another thing happened, namely, it was June 1953. The currency reform. Immediate alarm, full muster, combat equipment. We deployed all over the region, in twos and threes by car. We deployed in the East Slovakian Region as couriers and transportation for those who were implementing the currency reform. They took stock in shops and factories, and so we helped take these officials to the shops etcetera. When we finished these tasks, the stock-taking, we returned to our barracks, and then, as if that wasn’t enough, the harvest came. And forced threshing sessions. Back then President Novotný made some speech and declared that farmers can thresh this grain themselves. So they set to it, everyone immediately tried to gain as much as possible from the grain. They cut down on that by implementing forced threshing sessions.”

  • “In forty-five, when the Americans arrived, of course we welcomed them in the square and so on. During the holidays afterwards, we walked among them variously, tried to learn English and the such. And among other things, this one thing happened. Seeing that when an American soldier got in trouble, say when he didn’t return from leave or when he caused some mess, they had these peculiar punishments, that is, they had to dig up a big hole for waste. Two by two metres. One time we found out that one such soldier was digging a hole behind our garden, which was right opposite the school - and he was digging this dump. So we made a deal with him and started helping him dig the waste hole. All the waste went there, whether from the kitchen or directly from the [soldiers’ - trans.] quarters and so on. So we helped him, and of course, he immediately made it up to us. He brought us chocolate, chewing gums, that was in the vogue. So that’s how I lived through the holidays with the help of my friends.”

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Dobřany, 21.10.2013

    délka: 01:06:56
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Soutěž Příběhy 20. století
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

Overall I was a pretty decent motorbike racer, considering my options

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Jaromír Černý
zdroj: Archiv pamětníka, Jakub Fořt

Jaromír Černý was born on 15 September 1930 in Dobřany near Pilsen. Dobřany were a part of the annexed Sudeten region, and so during World War II the witness attended both Czech and German primary schools. After the liberation in 1945 he trained as a vehicle repairman and worked in a repair shop for cars and motorcycles. He served in a paratrooper battalion in Slovakia during the 1953 currency reform, and he helped the army deal with the logistics of changing the old currency for new. Jaromír Černý participated in numerous motorbike races, both on road and off track.