Jan Horáček

* 1933

  • "In my free time, I devoted most of my time to tourism. Such modern tourism in Chrastava actually began in 1973. In the seventies, the era of long-distance marches actually began. I will follow up by saying that in the 1970s those long-distance hikes were a great modern form of tourism, and even back then a whole lot of those hikes were being established. And in Chrastava in 1973, we actually started with a new composition of the tourist committee, so there were suggestions that we should also establish a tradition of long-distance marches here in Chrastava. That was in the fall of 1973, and already in January 1974 was the first year of Chrastavské šlápoty."

  • “They had a problem with the car, and one of the drivers was repairing the problem on the road. He There was an issue on the car; he was lying under the car. Another car arrived, it was in traffic. And he just took that truck off that road and crashed it and just hurt that driver, scraped his back, and if he had any injuries…probably. He stopped to take him for treatment, drove five hundred meters into the forest and dumped him there. He was simply a soldier from another unit. Then somehow it happened that... to the commander who had the broken-down car over there, they said to him: 'Look, they fired a friend of yours over there in the forest.' ... And there was another group that was supposed to leave with it... well, they just kind of took turns, one group left. And they brought the wounded man from the forest and that they have to transport him to the hospital. So one of the other units loaded him, and he was going to take him away. In the meantime, one of their commanders wanted to somehow load the wounded man into it... simply up on a truck. And when they loaded the car for him and he was supposed to drive it away, he stepped on the gas and drove away. The officer who was there with him was so distorted by that he took a machine gun and started shooting at him. They just had no respect for each other at all, no relationship.”

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    Chrastava, 25.10.2022

    délka: 02:08:43
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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Life after the tourist mark

Jan Horáček recording an interview for the Stories of our Neighbours project, October 25, 2022
Jan Horáček recording an interview for the Stories of our Neighbours project, October 25, 2022
zdroj: Post Bellum

Jan Horáček was born on October 26, 1933 in Hlubočinka near Prague into a butcher‘s family. He trained as a toolmaker in Prague and then studied at a continuing industrial school in Liberec, where he specialized in textile engineering. He served the war with radio operators in Kralovice in the Pilsen region. He remembers these two years fondly, because together with other conscripts from his unit he played in a military swing band. After the war in 1957, he returned to Liberec, specifically to Chrastava, and joined the Totex company as a designer of textile machines. Thanks to his work, he visited Tashkent in the 1950s, which was then part of the Soviet Union, and taught local technicians how to handle Totex products. He was not very involved in politics. The only exception he made was during the Prague Spring in 1968, during which he joined the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) to be part of the upcoming changes. In the 1970s, he fell into tourism and became actively involved in the tourist committee. He co-founded the Chrastavská šlápota long-distance march, and organized a number of tours and events for other tourists. After 1989, he most welcomed the opportunity to go abroad. He worked at the Totex company until 1999, after which he retired and continued to participate in the marches and expeditions of tourists from Chrastava.