Dagmar Horváthová

* 1935

  • "Look, my father was completely enthusiastic because he simply succeeded in getting the factories up and running again. I was with him, for example - the first factory he fixed up was in Žandov near Česká Lípa. There was an abandoned director's villa, so we were there for the holidays, the whole family was in that villa. Well, he was excited, he was just excited. The workers were also excited. They just pushed the Germans away at the Česká Lípa, so it was empty there, so there.... Yes, that there was one thing that I saw in Žandov that I didn't like - they pushed the Germans away. And I was already there, we were already there then. That's how I saw them leave. That was 45 years ago. 45 or six. I don't know exactly, I don't know the exact date, is it probably - that it would be in the summer of 45? I don't know, I don't think so. No, probably not. It was about 46 to. Well, they were just pushed back at that time. It wasn't spontaneous, it was also that I simply saw people walking, pulling some kind of cart, loaded with all kinds of things and leaving with their heads hanging. Well, I guess. And more people, just like two classes if they were. That's probably how many people left Žandov. And then Czechs and Slovaks started coming there too and they were the workers in the factory that my dad started there. And it wasn't destroyed, so it was possible to work there. You could work there right away. And then I don't know about the other factories, only about the one that took me to Slovakia on a trip."

  • "Look, I was a little girl at the end of year 10. I just know that visits were not as carefree as they used to be. Despite that, I… I was friends with just one, her name was Hanka, she was from a rich family, they sat we went to school next to each other, we were friends, and the result was that... Ours knew each other, they visited each other, but not very often, but they knew each other. Especially in the summer, there were simply those terraces near the houses, so once there was a coffee , sometimes we had coffee at other people's places, so they just became friends in some way. Well, it ended up that when they took my mother away, when my mother was summoned to the concentration camp, Hanka's mother took me and my brother and took us to her mother's the village where they had a farm. So she saved us."

  • "In the villa where we lived, it was a very nice system. The landlord built a three-story villa. Ours had four floors because it still had a small basement, next to the garage was a basement. And the landlord lived on the first floor, on a tenant lived on the ground floor, he paid him rent, he paid his debts. The caretaker lived for free and took care of the garden and the sidewalks. And our housemates also had a small apartment and a large terrace on the roof, and during the war they rented it to someone else too. What did they use before they rented both floors. And the people who rented it, when ours went to the concentration camp, they moved into our apartment. So the Germans didn't occupy it. Because they came there and the apartment was occupied. And they were such decent people , that they simply didn't take anything from us, they didn't deprive us of anything. And when dad brought us to Prague, you, their name was Vlček, lived in our apartment and it was a three-room apartment, so we lived in one room and they lived in the other and we used the kitchen. After the war they got their own apartment and we got our apartment back. It's true that during the war there are terrible things, but there are also good people."

  • Celé nahrávky
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

Fortunately, we got into that world, which actually differed from the ordinary world

Dagmar Horváthová during EYD recording
Dagmar Horváthová during EYD recording
zdroj: Photo by Dominik Janovský

Dagmar Horváthová, nee Papežová, was born on April 24, 1935 in Prague to Vladimír and Anna, nee Polákova. Despite the fact that the father was a Catholic, during the Second World War he was sent to a concentration camp earlier than the mother of Jewish origin. Dagmar also found herself in danger because of her racial origin, although she was baptized. The parents decided to hide their children with the Homolkova family, and Dagmar overnight became a little mother to her two-year-old brother Honzík. They returned to the children just before the end of the war, and the father subsequently participated in the Prague Uprising. The peaceful first post-war years ended in 1948 and the beginning of the construction of the socialist regime in Czechoslovakia, when the father was deposed from the position of general director of textile factories and was unemployed until 1962. After completing her studies, Dagmar got a job at the Institute of Nuclear Research, where she also met her future husband, Pavlo. After two years together in Prague, they moved to Bratislava, where Pavol came from, and Dagmar found employment at the Botanical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. At the time of the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968, the family with four children was staying in Dubna, Russia, where Pavol had been working since the end of 1967 at the Institute of Nuclear Research. Although they already tried to return to Bratislava at that time, due to the housing issue, they were only allowed to do so in 1972. Although she viewed the political coup in 1989 very positively, she mistakenly believed that that a democratized form of socialism will be established, he considers the division of the republic in 1993 to be a fatal failure of democracy due to the absent referendum when deciding on such a fundamental political issue.