Jarmila Jarkovská

* 1924

  • „Mach came in and as my brother was at the agricultural department, they were talking informally, so he said: ‚Honzo!‘ It was a good spring, so Jenda did everything on a field with the tractor. And Mach opened the doors and said: ‚Well Honza, I let you go the last time and now I am coming for the tractor.´ Of course I started crying and mum did too: ‚Shame on you, thieves!‘ And he replied: ‚You´re vain. Ms Koubníková from Předměřice threatened me with a hatchet and still did nothing at all.‘“

  • „There was a rate of one to five in a loan office and it was zero there. So I went to exchange 175 thousand and came back with seven thousand. And daddy told me: ‚ So now I can go hang myself. You are about to marry, your brother Jenda is going to marry and we got nothing at all.‘ So I said: ‚Not like that, daddy. A unit it was called at the cooperative a working unit was eight crowns. (Mr Jarkovský, inhabitant from Polánek: ‚Yes, we started at eight crowns at the beginning of the year and got more later.‘) And my daddy said: ‚So I am going to hang myself.‘ And I replied: ‚Oh no, daddy, we´ll work for living!‘ My mum could not work anymore, she had her spine twisted, daddy was ten years older so I said: ‚We can support you, daddy...!‘“

  • „It was harder... Those Germans were not pardoning anyone... Who had any provisions saved, when a requisition came, then they shot the farmer up in the loft at granary without any talks. My daddy was lucky to speak German as he attended three years of elementary school in Germany. As grandad put his somewhere in Broumov for a pay to a director´s family, daddy learnt a perfect German. So when a requisition came to us, he greeted them in German and they turned round and went away...“

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    Polánky nad Dědinou, Třebechovice, 04.10.2014

    délka: 01:59:04
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
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For a field I would fly who knows where

contemporary photo
contemporary photo
zdroj: Archiv pamětníka

Jarmila Jarkovská was born on 17 April 1924 in a farmer´s family in the village of Polánky in Třebechovicko. She studied an elementary and secondary school. Due to WW2 her studies were made impossible. During war the family accommodated a German lieutenant at a farm. After war their land was earning quite well, a family lost everything in a process of collectivisation and currency collapse. The witness married Jaromír Jarkovský at the age of 33, accused of rural riches, who spent two months in a custody. They had two children together. In 1990s the family got their land back.