The family resisted collectivization for ten years. The communists took their fields, machines and horses, and imprisoned their grandfather
Václav Jílek comes from a family of private farmers and animal breeders from Kamenec u Poličky. He was born on July 19, 1949. At that time, his parents were bullied because they did not want to join the collective farm. His grandfather was accused of alleged sabotage and spent three years in Jáchymov. His uncle was also in prison. The parents resisted the pressure of the communists for about ten years. They joined the state co-operative farm in January 1959. Václav Jílek was not to study as the son of a kulak. Thanks to the excellent results and intervention of the teachers, he eventually got to the grammar school and then studied veterinary medicine. In November 1989, he was one of the founders of the Civic Forum in Polička. He was later a municipal politician for ODA (Civic Democratic Alliance). In 2020, he was retired and lived in Polička.