Libuše Jůzová

* 1949

  • "On the ninth of January 1950, when my father was arrested at work, my mother was immediately given notice to leave the company flat. They confiscated all the property my parents had, which was furniture and a car. Mum had to pay a fine of 10,000 crowns and we were evicted to a medically defective flat with simple windows. There was no heating, the water was in the corridor and the toilet too."

  • "After a long time, it was about six months, we came to the visiting room to the plain table and benches. I saw my dad, he had a guard behind him of course, I was probably nine or ten at the time. I held out my hand to him. The warder yelled that the visits were over. I burst into tears and we had to leave the visiting room because the guard wouldn't let me touch him."

  • "Meanwhile, when the Russian army advanced, Major Kanishchev's brigade reached Mělník and began to clear the territory of Central Bohemia of Germans. Of course, they got as far as Řepín, where they settled in the chateau. The lady of the chateau gave them one whole wing so that they could have a place to stay, a headquarters and so on. So my mother came into contact with Commander Kanishchev and began to cooperate with him. When it came to the fierce fighting around Řepín, she fought even with a gun in her hand."

  • Celé nahrávky
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    Hradec Králové, 22.03.2023

    délka: 02:47:06
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Příběhy regionu - HRK REG ED
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Dad was sentenced to life in prison. I became a criminal‘s daughter

Libuše Jůzová, née Koubová, aged about 11 years
Libuše Jůzová, née Koubová, aged about 11 years
zdroj: Witness´s archive

Libuše Jůzová was born on 30 March 1949. She lived with her parents in the small village of Jiříkov in the Děčín region, where her father, Petr Kouba, worked as a member of the National Security Corps. During the war, her mother Libuše Hýblová cooperated with Major Kanishchev‘s partisan brigade. The family‘s life changed in May 1950, when State Security came for her father. Petr Kouba received a life sentence in the monster trial against Dr. Edvard Beneš‘s resistance group. Libuše Jůzová knew her father only from visits to prison. At school, as the daughter of a political prisoner, she was bullied not only by her classmates but also by her teachers. In 1964, she was admitted to the grammar school in Rumburk. Even there, they did not forget to remind her of the brand that marked after her father‘s arrest. After her first year, due to a few events, she quit her studies and started working. During her employment she finished a two-year school of economics. In the early 1970s she moved with her parents to Hradec Králové, where she met her future husband. She married in 1976, and she and her husband raised two children. During the normalization she tried not to stand out, she was worried not only about her children but also about her aging parents. In the early 1990s, she found a new family in the Confederation of Political Prisoners, where she later worked as treasurer. In 2023, Libuše Jůzová was living in Hradec Králové.