"We were supposed to fly and we were supposed to buy tickets that day and then when this happened we cancelled the tickets and we didn't fly until 2002 in April something or May and we were there for almost two months with my husband. And then two years later I flew there again, that's when my daughter had little Sandra and I was there for almost two months too."
"So Mr. Toufar, the parish priest, left Zahrádka in the 48th year. I was two years old then, so I... maybe he baptized me, I don't know, I won't ask today, I don't know exactly who baptized me. And I've looked for the baptismal certificate and I can't find it, so that's where I would like find it because we as a parish belonged to Vojslavice, we lived less than a kilometre from Zahradka, but there was a division of counties and districts."
"So my parents knew about it, it was already talked about before the war, before the Second World War. And somehow these parents already counted on it, that it would come one day, and then it came. I don't know exactly what year like they came to tell us, I don't remember. But when I went to Humpolec as an apprentice, that's when we knew in that 60th year that we were going to leave... that we were going to leave Zahrádka."
Miloslava Kořínková, née Krtková, was born on 13 December 1946 in Zahrádka near Ledec nad Sázavou. She was the second youngest of four children. The family had a small farm and kept small cattle. Josef Toufar, who was later tortured to death, served as a priest in Zahrádka. In 1960, Miloslava Kořínková started her apprenticeship as a weaver, which she completed in 1962. As Zahrádka was flooded due to the construction of the Švihov reservoir, the whole family had to gradually move to Humpolec. She got married in 1966, and she and her husband raised three children. Miloslava Kořínková worked all her life in the Humpolec Sukno company. In 2024 she lived in Humpolec.