It is necessary to maintain two principles in life: moderation in austerities and gluttony
Vladimír Laštůvka was born on 8 June, 1943 in Strážnice in Hodonín region. As his father refused to join the communist partz in 1948, the family had troubles. Vladimír graduated from the gymnasium in Uherské Hradište. In 1962 he was accepted to the Facultz of Nuclear and Technical Physics, where he became a member of a students revolutionary group, that followed students revolution movement in the West. In 1967 he graduated and started at the nuclear power plant A1 in Jaslovske Bohunice. Just before being called to an obligatory basic military service he got married. He joined air defense, but due to political reasons was transfered to tank battalion in Šumperk. There he experienced invasion of the Warsaw pact armies in August 1968. After finishing he applied to aspirantūra at the Institute of Physics of Material Substances, but due to political reasons he was not allowed to defense. In 1971 he participated in a protest event against elections. During publication of the Chart 77 document he participad in collection of signatures. Prabably due to denouncement of a certain candidate for signature he was arrested in Prague together with signature archs and later convicted. After returning to freedom he got a job at the Brno heating plant, where he was promised a future perspective of a job in a nuclear power plant Dukovany. Nevertheless he moved to Děčín, where his family and ten year old son were. After November 1989 he became the founding member of the Civic Forum in Děčín and in Februarz 1990 was coopted to the Czech National Council. In 1996 he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies for the Socialist Party. In 1996-1998 he was a member of the parliamentary committee for public administration, regional development and nature environment. Further he held various political function including European. It is necessary to highlight working in a foreigh committee of the Chamber of Deputies. He ended most of his political activities in 2006. Since then he has been constantly engaged, but not publically as a senior-consultant. Vladimír Laštůvka passed away on September, the 28th, 2018