Sixty Germans were gathered in the courtyard of the district court and divided into two groups

Stáhnout obrázek
Miroslava Moravcová was born on 19 December 1950 in Teplice nad Metují. Her family lived in Broumov District for many years, but when the border regions were annexed by Germany in 1938, her grandparents were forced to leave. When her grandfather returned from the mobilisation, his wife and children were not at home - it took him several days to locate them in Pardubice. When the war ended they found a house in Teplice nad Metují, where they moved in and where the witness was born a few years later. When she was older she heard of how the local German inhabitants had been expelled from Broumov District and how in 1945 twenty-three Germans had been executed on nearby Beech Mountain. The perpetrators were never punished, and the story could not be openly discussed until after 1989.