Dad will come back from heaven, mommy promised
Josef Otisk was born shortly after his father‘s departure for the foreign army on 3 June 1940 in Brno. He met him at the end of the war. Father Josef Otisk Sr. was the commander of the Wolfram Group, which in September 1944 parachuted into northern Moravia. He was also a graduate of the Commandos special training. After the war, his father worked briefly in Prague at the Ministry of Defense, then was transferred to Sternberg. The family moved with him. In 1948 he was discharged from the army and demoted. The family returned to Brno, where the father worked as a surveyor. The war hero received recognition only after 1989. He did not live to see it, he died in 1986. His son, Josef Otisk, still attends commemorative events and would like the heroism of people like his father to be remembered. In 2024 he was living in Brno with his wife.