František Outrata

* 1936

  • "The Spartakiáda, it was not really a simple matter. I admire the songwriters. To come up with that, when you consider that it was 16,000 people exercising in Strahov, in that stadium, to put it together, it was no fun. I was, because I was the leader of that team, I was at the rehearsals in Karlovy Vary about twice, so we really got a hard time there. We were always there in September or so, and only six months later was the Spartakiáda in Prague. And that was a lot of rehearsing, it was really hard work. I doubt anyone would do it today. The discipline and really the desire to do it had to be there."

  • "There was one person who forced us to join the party with Volk, the colleague we had worked with for years. So we joined the party, that was... In 1969 they liquidated Dubček, so it was sometime in 1966 that we joined the party. And when they liquidated Dubček in 1969, we returned the cards. And at that time, to return the membership cards at that time, I guess it was really, well, not that it was a matter of life, but it was a matter of employment for sure. But because there were reasonable people at that ČSAD, it passed quite well, so we survived actually."

  • "That was sometime at the end of April in '45, you know, that was such excitement, standing over there. There was a gamekeeper called Kopec at our place and he had two assistants who were already partisans at that time and they dropped some weapons there. And they already had the weapons there at that time and it was in the Sokol Hall. And somebody must have reported it, because on the 1st of May, I think, the Gestapo from Moravské Budějovice arrived there. And when they discovered it, they wanted to destroy the village. They wanted to burn it down, and that had to be signed by the then governor who was in Moravské Budějovice, and he didn't sign it anymore. So this is how Martínkov was saved."

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    Humpolec, 06.04.2024

    délka: 51:41
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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They wanted to destroy Martínkov, fortunately the war was ending

František Outrata in his childhood
František Outrata in his childhood
zdroj: witness´s archive

František Outrata was born on 23 January 1936 in the village of Martínkov. After elementary school he graduated from the business academy in Znojmo and in 1956 he started his compulsory military service in Jihlava. After his return, he was appointed to the Czechoslovak Bus Transport company (ČSAD) in Humpolec. In 1966 he joined the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ), but in 1969, after the onset of normalisation, he left the party. In Humpolec, he joined the leadership of the local Jiskra Sports Union and led the team in the Spartakiáda three times. In 2024 he was living in Humpolec.