Stanislava Paulíčková

* 1942

  • "It simply came to our notice then. My mother said that after one raid we came home and it was all as not completely bombed to the ground, but as demolished. And I remember that she said the clothes in the closets, that it was all like cutting it with scissors. Such lines just as they were. So we packed up, so I said ours, and the property came out on one such small ladder, which can be pulled in the hand, and we moved to such a house in Želenice. But the house was not quite good. And then once again a bomb fell behind the house, a big hole like that and a pretty steep hill. And after the war, Dad and Mom bought a house because it was after the Germans who had to move out, the Sudeten ones who were there. And they improved the house, they made it and I spent my childhood there."

  • "Well, I only know it from storytelling. We lived in Konobrz, I was born in the war in 1942. I remember only those sirens that bother me to this day. When there was a raid, my parents took us all, we were two girls, and they took pillows and worked our way down to the mine. And they took the pillows if a pressure wave came so we wouldn't suffocate. And those sirens were terrible that I remembered them all my life, and I get a chill running down my back when I hear them today."

  • Our dad, after the war, when the communists took over there, they were terrible. Because they were robbing out houses, they took things from the Germans. Our dad didn't like it, so he argued with them, he dropped the ID and it has been bad ever since. So my older sister could go to study, she finished the pedagogical faculty, but after that she was not allowed to teach, she went to the pioneer house, I don't know what it was called. First she went to the children's home as a guardian and then she went to the pioneer house. And only later, in 1957, did they let her teach.”

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    Anežka Šedivá, Ondřej Nagel, Štěpán Hodboď, Magdalena Baráková a Hana Paulíčková ze ZŠ a MŠ Krásná Lípa pod pedagogickým vedením Barbory Hlavaté, 15.11.2021

    délka: 39:34
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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He still remembers the sirens from the war

Stanislava Paulíčková at a wedding photo
Stanislava Paulíčková at a wedding photo
zdroj: Archiv Stanislavy Paulíčkové

Stanislava Paulíčková was born on October 11, 1942 in Konobrž near Most in the Ústí Region. One of the war raids destroyed the family‘s house, so they moved to Želenice. She had two sisters, Eva and Hana. After primary school, she graduated from the school of communications in Ústí nad Labem, where she learned to work at the post office. She later graduated from a pedagogical school and started working in a kindergarten. Dad handed over the party member ID, Stanislava herself was not in the party. For her sister it was difficult to work after her studies, and in 1969 she emigrated to West Germany. Stanislava raised two children, a son and a daughter. In 2021 she lived in a home for the elderly in Krásná Lípa.