Josef Srnský

* 1946

  • "The furthest we've been was at the Rallye Baltik, that was in Denmark. That was in Denmark from Copenhagen, racing on an island. There we went by boat of course, then it was by boat to the mainland, racing in Denmark on the mainland and the finish was in Germany in Travemünde. Those were mostly rallies, not like today you go short, we also did rallies of three thousand kilometres, two days and two nights, with a four-hour break in between. That was just enough time to shower, eat and go again."

  • "I remember it just like today, we were installing this fan, and we packed in and went to manifest." - "You mean that August 21?" - "The 21st of August. That's when the planes were flying around, the heavy, military planes, we were just kind of... It was kind of partly cloudy, there were clouds, sometimes you could see the planes, sometimes you couldn't, so it was already flying towards Prague."

  • Celé nahrávky
  • 1

    Vrchlabí, 20.02.2023

    délka: 01:22:15
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Příběhy regionu - HRK REG ED
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

They were bringing rally prizes from abroad. They also hid gifts banned by the regime in them

Josef Srnský (right) with his co-driver, actor Pavel Nový, 1987
Josef Srnský (right) with his co-driver, actor Pavel Nový, 1987
zdroj: Archiv Josefa Srnského

Josef Srnský was born on 15 May 1946 in Vrchlabí. The Srnský family came to settle in the border area after the expulsion of the German inhabitants. As a teenager he won 12 motorcycle races. For many years he worked in the Škoda car factory in Vrchlabí. In August 1968, together with other citizens of Vrchlabí, he demonstrated against the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Later he became a top rally driver. Several times he and his co-driver Jiří Syrovátek won the title of Czechoslovak champions. In one of the toughest races in Europe, the Vltava Rallye, they came second in 1972. In many other European races they were in the top ten of the overall standings. In 1979, witness retired from racing and participated only in veteran events. In 2023 he was living in Vrchlabí.