Josef Vychopeň

* 1923

  • "When we got there, because they picked us at the field with horses and cart, so that we would cart away some victuals or whatever they stole there or however it was. So... there I saw him for the last time. By then, everything wqas in flames. They were really nice people but they were all dead by then - the whole family."

  • "We owned about fifteen hectares. About seven hectares of arable land and seven hectares in the mountain. And we were ... as kulaks. And now there's one who is dead now, he sat on the council, and he had told me that they wanted to move us out. That it was stopped by one vote so we could stay. But they were after us.

  • "The mayor came, accompanied by a Gestapo officer. He was in the usual garb, in a leather coat and with a hat on. Dad had to unhitch and hitch again the horses and go to the Juřička's mill. They ignored me. I stayed all alone in the field and now I was, there was already shooting going on, worried about my dad, so I followed behind him. He stood on such a bit of level ground under the estate. In the hornbeam forest, there were the smallholders from up the hills kept under guard.“

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    Leskovec, 08.09.2020

    délka: 01:22:48
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
Celé nahrávky jsou k dispozici pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

One thing should persist, at least in my view: every human activity must be guided by caring for the nature

Josef Vychopeň in his youth
Josef Vychopeň in his youth
zdroj: archiv pamětníka

Josef Vychopeň was born on the 13th of December in 1928 in Leskovec near Vsetín in the Wallachia region. He and his two siblings were raised by their parents, Josef and Anna. The Vychopeň family farmed on seven hectares of farm land and they tended to the same area of forest. They also raised horses. At the end of the WWII, his father started helping the resistance movement and he witnessed the burning of the mill and the executions of the Juříček family. The tragedy in which Jan and Františka and their three children perished in the hands of the Gestapo deeply touched the young boy. After WWII, he attended the Secondary School of Agriculture in Rožnov, he tended to the family land and played football competitively. Between 1951 – 1953, he served in the army, in part in Slovakia in the border patrol. From the second half of the 1950‘s, he worked in agriculture, in the Agricultural Cooperative Leskovec, in the State Farm Valašské Meziříčí and in Agricultural Cooperative Valašské Kotáry [Wallachian Hills]. He worked there as an agriculturist, later as the main expert on animal husbandry. After 1989, he started tending to his own land again. He still (2020) lives on the smallholding where he was born.