Das ist mein Vater in der tschechischen Armee... in der tschechischen Armee... und von Tschechen umgebracht... Das ist schlimm, schlimmes Schicksal. Und er sprach sehr gut Tschechisch, logischerweise. (To je můj otec jako příslušník československé armády... člen československé armády – a zavražděn Čechy. Strašný osud. A on mluvil velice dobře česky, logicky.)
Wir standen am Zaun, wir Kinder. Und dann haben wir gerufen: „Herr Kratochvil, Herr Kratochvil...!“ Und er kam her an den Zaun und hat uns sein Frühstück gegeben... Wurst und Brot, und hat den durchgeschoben, durch den Zaun. (My děti jsme stály u plotu a volaly jsme: „Pane Kratochvíle, pane Kratochvíle...!“ A on přišel k nám a dal nám svoji svačinu... chleba a klobásu. Prostrčil ji skrz plot.)
Die Leute, die noch übrig waren im Lager; also sind ja viele verhungert, verschlagen, erschossen – Frauen, Kinder; die waren... wir sind dann deportiert worden... in Viehwaggon. (Lidé, kteří v táboře zbyli; řada jich zemřela hlady, byla ubita, zastřelena, děti i ženy... ti byli... byli jsme poté deportováni ve vagonu pro dobytek.)
No nation is a nation of criminals and murderers, the guilt is always on the individual
Uta Reiff, roz. Jäckel
zdroj: dobová: archiv pamětnice kolem r. 1945, současná: PNS Severozápadní Čechy 2016
zdroj: dobová: archiv pamětnice kolem r. 1945, současná: PNS Severozápadní Čechy 2016
Stáhnout obrázek
Uta Reiff, née Jäckel, was born in 1938 in Aš. She spent her first years in Chomutov, but when her father was appointed headmaster of the Žatec grammar school, the whole family moved to Žatec. The witness enjoyed a happy childhood inside the grammar school itself, as her father was issued a small flat there. After World War II the family suffered from the consequences of the so-called wild expulsion of Sudeten Germans. Seven-year-old Uta and her mother and brothers were interned in the prison camp in Žatec; her father fell victim to the tumultuous violence of June 1945 - he was taken to Postoloprty, never to return. Her older brother Hans was drafted and sent to work in the mines in Kladno. After eight months in isolation, a cattle wagon took little Uta and the rest of her family to the German city of Furth im Wald, and from there to the small Bavarian village of Vach. She grew up with her mother and her brothers in an environment of animosity, as the local inhabitants welcomed them with hostility. The witness studied interpreting and later psychotherapy. As a family therapist, she helped and still helps people both in her private practice and in refugee camps, where she visits people with a similar experience as is her own. She now lives with her husband in Amberg.