Ivo Houf

* 1933

  • "They came to my parents' house, and my father was employed by the court as a court auditor, and he was in charge of all this official stuff and this. And he said, 'No, I guarantee you he doesn't have anything.' He had no idea what I had stacked in that bed. And now, while he was talking to the CSIs, the cops, I was throwing everything out of the mattress out the window into the garden with the window I had here. And then it ended up that years later my brothers would say to me, 'You can't hit that garden with a shovel or a pickaxe, nothing. There are rusty machine guns and machine guns buried all over the ground.'"

  • "Then I was coming back from Tišnov barefoot, in those shorts, to Brno, to Královo Pole, where we had a family house. And I was walking, and I rang the bell, and to see the windows, I had to step back into the street to see the windows where my parents lived. Suddenly there was a terrible clinking of glass, but terrible, and I got scared. My sister, when we didn't have broken windows during the war, she broke the two panes that were behind her, so she broke her forehead and shouted at me, 'You, God, you're alive!' She was so surprised that she broke the two window panes with her head so that she could shout at me with joy."

  • "One day in February, suddenly a terrible shooting. The door opened and 'Everybody out!' They chased us out, it was snowing like this. I was barefoot, I was wearing shorts and just a tank top, and we all stood by the wall with our hands up all day, because someone had shot a German soldier in that village, in Jehnice. And so all the people had to be evacuated from that village. They allowed the landowner to take a ladder, a wagon, and he could put something there and then we would leave. So then towards the evening we all went, just like we were, me barefoot and in shorts, all the way to Tišnov. That's a long way, that's many kilometres!"

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    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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It was snowing and I had to stand against the wall all day in my shorts and tank top

Ivo Houf in the 1930s
Ivo Houf in the 1930s
zdroj: archive of a witness

Ivo Houf was born on 15 June 1933 in Brno. At the end of the war, his parents sent him to friends on a farm outside Brno to avoid bombing. In February 1945, he and other residents of the village of Jehnice were expelled and marched away for several days in inhospitable conditions. By the end of the war he was in the village of Veselíčko, from where he returned to Brno. He graduated from secondary art school and studied for a year at FAMU, from where he transferred to UMPRUM. After finishing school, he began to produce sets for films in the Barrandov studios. All his life he worked as a set designer and created puppets and sets for a huge number of films, especially fairy tales. After retiring from film, he devoted himself to illustrating books such as Včelí medvídci. In 2024 he lived in Prague.