Irena Mosslerová

* 1934

  • "I said, 'Well, now I have to go to school.' So I got into the school in Medlanky, they accepted me. But they shouted that I was German. But they soon stopped. And then the headmaster reprimanded the kids, and that's how I got out of the circle, and I got out of the circle, and I got out to make my mother's and my mother's, that we were not Germans! We weren't German and they let us know we were German. I said, 'That's not true, we're Czech!' I insisted."

  • "There was a little shack. We hid there because the Russians were flying in and all the vermin that had gathered there. So we hid in the shack. And they came at us, at the shack, and he with a rifle against me! Me! Jaruška was lying there, there was a broken bed, she was lying on the bed. And he said that he was going to shoot me and my mother shouted: 'No! Don't do anything to my daughter!' Terrible."

  • "And we poor people were afraid of... We were afraid. So we went so that... What happened to me: I was hungry. And there was bread in the ditch. I went to get the bread. It was sad, because on the way, Jaruska was getting sick. I did everything, my mother couldn't do it anymore. Then, when we got to Vienna, to the view, Jaruška and mummy couldn't do it anymore, so I pulled the cart. And I did all the work myself. They couldn't, they were so tired, and Jaruška was getting sick. She died on the way back. It was terrible."

  • "We started in Královo Pole, from Malátová, in the morning, it was about five o'clock. They chased us like dogs out of Malátová. They drove us out like dogs! And me and Jaruška, we... we wanted to pee. We had to look for a place, so they wouldn't do anything to us. On that Malátová, that's how it started, from that Malatova."

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    Brno, 16.05.2024

    délka: 01:19:10
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of 20th Century
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The horrors of the war were only experienced when it was over

Irena Mossler in 1956
Irena Mossler in 1956
zdroj: archive of a witness

Irena Mosslerová was born on 6 January 1934 in Brno. Her father František Horr was a Czechoslovak citizen of German nationality, her mother Jarmila, née Skotalová, was Czech. Irena had a twin sister who was named Jarmila after her mother, but they called her Jaruška. As soon as the war started, the whole family acquired Reich-German citizenship and the father was drafted into the Wehrmacht as a German citizen. He fought at the front and the family had no news of him until the end of the war. Shortly after the liberation by the Red Army, the mother and her two daughters were expelled from Brno and took the so-called death march through Pohořelice to Vienna. They did not stay there long and returned again. On the way, Jaruška fell ill with typhus and died at the age of 11 after returning home. Both parents were subsequently interned in labour camps in Brno, her father was initially imprisoned in Kounice‘s dormitories. In 1946, the father was released and the family gradually regained Czechoslovak citizenship. Irena worked most of her life as a knitter of steel ropes, married and had two children. In 2024 she was living in Brno.