Jiří Nosek

* 1933

  • "Teď si mě pochopitelně vytahovali a vyšetřovali a ptali se a nastalo vyšetřování. A já jsem na to, co po mně chtěli, otevřeně říkal: 'Pánové, nezlobte se, nevím, o čem mluvíte, ty lidi jsem v životě neviděl, vůbec nevím, o koho jde.' A oni mysleli, že takzvaně zatloukám a říkali: 'Heleďte se, on si vzpomene. Tak ho šoupnem do samovazby.' Tak mě vzali a spustili tady v té jihlavské vysoké škole, dřívější base, do takzvané cely. Ve skutečnosti to byl kanál. Zkrátka prostora, kde jsem si mohl akorát sednout. Lehnout si nešlo. A teď oni se dívali na to, co na to budu říkat, a jestli jim nezačnu kývat na to, co oni mi říkají. A to trvalo osm neděl."

  • "V té samovazbě když jsem byl, tak tam nepustili vůbec nikoho. Neměl jsem možnost s někým se setkat. Až najednou přišel jeden den, kdy otevřeli celu a říkali: ,Pojďte ven, víte, co máte dělat?' 'No to, co jste mi řekli, ruce za prdel.' 'Ano, sepnout a tak budete chodit a ruce si pustíte, až my vám řekneme!' 'No tak dobře, když to tak musí být, tak to tak bude, no.' A teď na mě zkoušeli všechny možné způsoby a triky, jak by mě donutili k tomu, abych jim přikývl nebo abych podepsal. Vše se zapisovalo do protokolu. Musel jsem si přečíst to, co tam zapisovali, a tam bylo napsáno: 'Četl' a 'Souhlasí'. A já jsem vždycky u každého toho protokolu zaškrtl 'Četl' a škrtl jsem 'Souhlasí'."

  • „And this old man came to me. So I was looking at him trying to remember who he was. And then he began talking and his voice was recognizable so I said: ‚May I ask you, have you served as a supervisor in prison?‘ And he said: ‚Of course, I have, and that is why I am here.‘ He came to me and we had a nice chat and he was relieved, as he came and said: ‚You know, I was so worried, as I saw how they treated you and you were innocent and didn’t know what´s going on. I was so sorry for you. So I came to as if I ever hurt you, even by saying something… (and he was really a supervisor, a really nice man otherwise), so please forgive me.‘ I laughed and replied: ‚Dear Sir, I have already forgiven you all a long time ago.‘“

  • „Suddenly there was an invasion from Jihlava, they needed the school for their use immediately. So instead of teaching in school we went to the neighbours, where there was nothing at all. It was empty… or residential room. It was a farming property, and they had potato boxes piled up in the yard. So we each took a couple of those and sat on one, put the other into our laps and the schoolbag next to us and just like that we started lessons.“

  • „They just thought that I had enough and I really did and thought it cannot go on like that. So I said: ‚Look, you kept me here for long enough… you keep asking me stuff I know nothing about. If you don´t trust me and say I lie to you…‘ so I told my interrogator… his name was Streissbier. So I stated: ‚I am finished here. You will not get a word more out of me.‘ They thought I was kidding, but I practically didn’t open my mouth for a whole week. I managed not to talk to them at all. And they were thinking I am getting slightly mad, that´s too much for me…“

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Faith is the alpha and omega of my life

In the army
In the army
zdroj: Archiv pamětníka

Jiří Nosek was born on 1 December, 1933 in Urbanov in Vysočina in a religious family. He had six siblings and his father was a musician playing organs in the church. The family owned a small farm. He survived was in Urbanov, where the local school was instead used by Hitlerjugend. He went to the second grade of basic school in Telč; he witnessed soldiers moving out of the territory at the end of war. Later Jiří Nosek successfully passed entrance exams to gymnasium, but due to catholic religion of his family had to study social and health school. Due to the same reasons he was sent to the serve obligatory military service at the Auxiliary technical battalions (PTP) in 1953. For his medical education he could teach the first aid there; due to the events in Hungary and emergency service at the border he spent three years. After returning home he was placed in the State psychiatric hospital in Jihlava, where he met his future wife, who worked as an emergency nurse there. He was sentenced to prison for seven months for organising events with his catholic friends; he was banned to return to Jihlava and went to Ostrava with his wife to work in the mines, but later he taught in a school training centre. When they were finally allowed to come back to Jihlava, Jiří Nosek returned also to the psychiatry job, which he did until retirement.