CINEMASTORIES OF WWII - Documentary films featuring WWII survivors and members of resistance as awareness and educational tools towards unbiased society

Post Bellum / Documenta / Post Bellum SK / Gedenk Stätte-Bautzner Strasse Dressden / European Commisssion - European Education and Culture Executive Agency

The project “CINEMASTORIES OF WWII - Documentary films featuring WWII survivors and members of resistance as awareness and educational tools towards unbiased society” will be conducted between January 2022 and December 2024 (24 months) by five project partners from four countries: Post Bellum SK and Tachles TV - Slovakia, Post Bellum z.ú. - the Czech Republic, Documenta - Croatia and Gedenk Stätte-Bautzner Strasse - Germany. During the last years we have been observing a worrying trends such as Holocaust denial, growth of disinformation and hoaxes related to the WWII, increasing online hate speech towards Jewish Holocaust survivors (as well as their next generations) and other negative phenomena, therefore our project will revolve around the commemoration of and research and education about crimes committed under totalitarian regimes. The project will consist of the following key activities conducted in all 4 participating countries: 1) recording of Holocaust survivors and other WWII witnesses (40 recordings), 2) making national documentary movies (4 movies), 3) organizing offline and online discussions for general public on oral history and importance of recording of witnesses of key historical events (8), 4) public screening of the documentary movies complemented by discussions with experts and other guests (15) and screenings of the documentaries on high schools (30). The project beneficiaries will include witnesses (40), general public (4600+) and high school students (3000). The ambition of our project is to raise awareness about Holocaust remembrance and the common European history via preserving memories of witnesses of key historic event such as WWII, to commemorate the Jewish victims of Holocaust and/or their second generation and members of resistance, and to contribute to enforcement of fundamental human and civic rights, and democratic values among EU citizens.

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