Oldřich Sobek

* 1936  †︎ 2020

  • "I was a state conservation officer for a while, and my director at the road maintenance, he lived it and he also brought the road maintenance up high, and he was really bothered by the curves on those roads, when you had to avoid something, he wanted to straighten it all out. He was bothered by the situation in Kunín, going around the castle - the University of Agriculture in Brno was farming there at the time and it was something terrible, the castle was falling into disrepair, there were pigsties, the urine flowed into the park, where there were important plants, there was a naked tree, it was a rarity - so he came up with the idea to cut it straight. I didn't know. He had to get approval from the Department of Transportation of the ONV, I was there all the time. So he asked for it. The Department of Transportation had to get an opinion from the Department of Culture, because no matter how bad the park looked, it had legal protection. And there was already this commission, where I was. So I got it done. Of course, I issued a negative opinion and sent it to the official at the Department of Culture and he had to call a meeting and the applicant was my boss, Ing. Štěpánek, who gave me permission to do this job, and suddenly a meeting. I went there, I knew what was going on, but I didn't speak up. The clerk, who started it, said: 'So the modification is rejected, this is a protected park and the state nature conservation officer, who is present here, does not allow it.' And I was sitting opposite my director, he turned pale, he became a statue... 'So I have a man in my ranks...'"

  • There was nothing to fall back on. I created a base of about 70 volunteers, which I trained, gave them instructions and also 1:10,000 maps on cardboard, divided into smaller units. Everyone within a residence could choose a range and we would meet and they would plot what they found where. Whether it was negative, like landfill sites, because there was no waste management, there was no waste law, anyone who could threw anything away. When the municipalities were in charge, they would fill up any quarry or hole. So, illegal dumpsites spread even into the most valuable areas. They said to me, 'Please, how can you do anything with people who have no education.' When I came to a meeting where such things were already in progress. I said, 'Well, I didn't need anything, I just needed to know if there were parsnips growing in that valley or just nettles.' There were so many requests for fencing, there for this and for a hut, and I had to go everywhere and look or had to go and write an opinion, and when a fellow amateur wrote to me and said there was nothing there, just nettles, I saved time and didn't have to go there. But when there were parsnips, I had to say yes, there will be something else because the place is native. That's not where the horsemen have been dumping manure. That's how I managed my time."

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    Libhošť, 07.05.2019

    délka: 53:55
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu The Stories of Our Neigbours
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Oldřich Sobek
Oldřich Sobek
zdroj: Post Bellum

Oldřich Sobek was born on 13th December 1936 in Libhošt‘ in northern Moravia. He trained as a gardener and after the military service he started to work in nature conservation. He got a job as a road orchardist and became a conservationist at the District National Committee (ONV) in Nový Jičín. He gathered a group of volunteers around him and together they mapped the nature of the region. He was responsible for the establishment of several protected areas in the Nový Jičín region, such as the Podbeskydí Nature Park, the Oderské vrchy Nature Park and the Svinec Nature Reserve. He became a member of the TIS - the Association for Nature and Landscape Protection, and after its dissolution by the communist authorities in 1979 he joined the activities of the successor Czech Association of Nature Conservationists. In the days of the Velvet Revolution, he became vice-chairman of the National Conservation Committee in Nový Jičín. Oldřich Sobek died on 25 April 2020.