Palach Week
15. 1. 1989-21. 1. 1989
On Sunday, 15 January 1989, representatives of independent initiatives attempted to honour the memory of Jan Palach on Wenceslas Square. The then security forces brutally intervened against them and all those present. Further demonstrations followed, again brutally repressed.
Články (69)
stránka 5 / 7
Diplomat, Disident, Krajanská komunita v USA, Politik, Príbuzný/príbuzná politického väzňa
a 4 další kategorie
Ing. Josef Parlesák
* 1936
Vít Pelikán
* 1953
Petr Placák
* 1964
Ing., Arch. Josef Pleskot
* 1952
Jan Pochman
* 1970
Václav Poláček
* 1953
Lukáš Pollert
* 1970
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